Trebu Patriote - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti

Topic and comments posted by Trebu Patriote
(Page 2 of 8)

Massive Electoral Fraud for 4/19/0

President Preval is aware of the massive fraud in preparation with the only goal to secure the totality of the senate seats in dispute in favor of his party Lespwa or Uclade. The Candidates not affiliated to the President political family won't... more »


The President has appointed the cabinet and inauguration was scheduled on Tuesday 26, 2008. According to the Constitution, the Prime minister should present his or her government program before the Senate and the Lower House, accompanied by his or... more »

Vos commentaires tombent a point. Tout d'abord il faut...

Vos commentaires tombent a point. Tout d'abord il faut souligner que le President ne peut pas donner investiture au nouveau gouvernement tant que le Premier Ministre n'aura pas presente son programme de gouvernement devant les Senateurs et les... more »

Les premiers cris: Abas Preval

Aux Cayes, on vient d'entendre les premiers cris d'abas Préval. Le peuple en a assez de ce Président incompétent, ignorant et insouciant. Cela fait plus de deux ans qu'il a été imposé par la communauté... more »

According to the Constitution of 1987 the President cannot...

According to the Constitution of 1987 the President cannot dissolve the Parliament. The President is the head of the executive branch. The Senators and the Congressmen represent the legislative branch. There is also a third branch: the Judiciary... more »

Le Rejet de Robert Manuel: Victoire du Peuple

Les Députés du Peuple viennent d'écrire une page d'histoire. Ils ont rejeté le choix de Robert Manuel comme Premier Ministre. Nous avions dit et redit que c'était une très mauvaise choix. Robert Manuel est un personage... more »

Bob Manuel is a criminal himself. He cannot crack down on...

Bob Manuel is a criminal himself. He cannot crack down on crimes. His past is still present. It is a wrong choice. President Preval is sending a wrong message: crimininal activities are rewarded. Robert Manuel needs to be investigated for murders... more »

This guy is a murderer. He has helped Preval kill political...

This guy is a murderer. He has helped Preval kill political opponents during the first term. Pastor Leroy of MDN was kidnapped by the National Palace thugs, taken to an unknown destination and killed. While he was driven to where he was going to be... more »

This guy cannot be Prime Minister. He has blood on his hands...

This guy cannot be Prime Minister. He has blood on his hands. Under the first term of Preval,in October 1999, He ordered the assassination of Jean Lamy who was going to replace him as the Secretary of Public Security. The day following the... more »

Does Robert Manuel have blood on his hands?

The Senate and the Lower House have to question Robert Manuel, the newly appointed Prime Minister, regarding the murder of a former officer of the Haitian Army named Jean Lamy. Robert Manuel was acting as Secretary of Public Security. He was in... more »

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