Toulimen Legrand - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti
Topic and comments posted by Toulimen Legrand
(Page 7 of 20)
Martelly used to be vulgar as an entertainer, so what? He was...
April 10, 2011 6:37 PM
Martelly used to be vulgar as an entertainer, so what? He was an entertainer and he did the best he could to entertain his million fans, so what? He used to play good music although he was vulgar. All the vulgar words that he used in this posted... more »
Nan Mwens Ke 30 Lane Sendomeng Konstwi 31 Ayewopo
April 10, 2011 1:55 PM
Mwen soti rele Jet Blue ak American Airlines pou konfimasyon sa a ou di a. Yo di menm si yo ta rive desevi Ayewopo okap la se an tranzit yap fe li. Yo genyen plan sa avek Ayewopo potoprens lan. Wap ateri potoprens epi nan trant minit wap ka rive... more »
Legasi Ayewopo Nan Sendomeng Fe Ayiti Sanble Peyi Malandren
April 10, 2011 1:54 PM
Mwen soti rele Jet Blue ak American Airlines pou konfimasyon sa a ou di a. Yo di menm si yo ta rive desevi Ayewopo okap la se an tranzit yap fe li. Yo genyen plan sa avek Ayewopo potoprens lan. Wap ateri potoprens epi nan trant minit wap ka rive... more »
Mwen soti rele Jet Blue ak American Airlines pou konfimasyon sa...
April 10, 2011 1:53 PM
Mwen soti rele Jet Blue ak American Airlines pou konfimasyon sa a ou di a. Yo di menm si yo ta rive desevi Ayewopo okap la se an tranzit yap fe li. Yo genyen plan sa avek Ayewopo potoprens lan. Wap ateri potoprens epi nan trant minit wap ka rive... more »
I am not blaming any nations at all but I am pointing out the...
April 10, 2011 1:57 AM
I am not blaming any nations at all but I am pointing out the cancer that is ruining Haiti. The cancer of Haiti is a conspiracy plot between the CIA and certain members of the Haitian elites. Both of the groups are involving in killing of Haitians... more »
Mwen vle ou konpran se te yon ere yo te fe Ayewopo okap la kote...
April 10, 2011 1:28 AM
Mwen vle ou konpran se te yon ere yo te fe Ayewopo okap la kote li pozisyone a. Liy Ayeryen tankou American Airlines ak Continental Airlines di ke Ayewopo sila a pa byen plase di tou e yo mande gouvenman fe li Ayewopo rejyonal pito ke yon ayewopo... more »
Kom Ayisyen wap mande pou touris blan antre nan peyi a pou pote...
April 9, 2011 11:41 PM
Kom Ayisyen wap mande pou touris blan antre nan peyi a pou pote lajan ak maladi ba nou. Mwen kwe si ou te yon vre patriyot Ayisyen, ou tap mande gouvenman poul relanse touris Ayisyen andan peyi a pou Ayisyen ka konnen vale peyi li. Kreye bon jan... more »
I agree with you Linda because in politics one needs to...
April 9, 2011 11:26 PM
I agree with you Linda because in politics one needs to compromise sometimes with the lesser between the two evils. My experiences in the United States make me understand several things and politics is a very complicated matter. It takes time to... more »
U.S. Cultural Invasion In Haiti Must Stop
April 9, 2011 11:06 PM
The United States needs to know that Haiti has a culture to defend and it must stop invading the Haitian culture. The United States Cultural Information Services as known as U.S.CIS are paying a lot of money through the Haitian radios in the... more »
Yap voye tout sot akizasyon paske yo we ke nou konpran...
April 9, 2011 8:21 PM
Yap voye tout sot akizasyon paske yo we ke nou konpran malpropte divizyon ke yo vle mete peyi a. Yo se rat nan matye fekal e yo la pou yo simen divizyon tout bon vre. Nou konpran yo e nap pran not tou. Kenbe la ignoran sila yo pa ka demoralize nou... more »
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