Toulimen Legrand - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti
Topic and comments posted by Toulimen Legrand
(Page 5 of 20)
Bay Aristide tan pou li reflechi sou tout betiz ke li te fe yo...
April 16, 2011 6:29 PM
Bay Aristide tan pou li reflechi sou tout betiz ke li te fe yo avan yo te retire li sou pouvwa. Yon sel bagay ke nou dwe konnen e ke nou yon pa ka demanti sa, Aristid renmen pov yo anpil menm le li pa ka fe anyen pou yo. Li ta vle zafe yo vini pi... more »
Carlos, vous etes trop jeune pour comprendre le probleme de la...
April 16, 2011 1:33 PM
Carlos, vous etes trop jeune pour comprendre le probleme de la drogue mais Preval l'a bien compris. C'est pourquoi il avait demande a l'administration Americaine de faire executer les contrats signes avec DEA pour arreter le traffic de la drogue... more »
Haitians Must Use Western Union To Stop Haitian Food Importers
April 16, 2011 1:18 PM
All Haitians should use Western Union services for money transfer transactions to stop Haitian food importers in the destruction of the Haitian economy. If you want an agriculture program to take place in Haiti you must stop using the services of... more »
You are a monster and an ignorant too. No more communication...
April 15, 2011 7:30 PM
You are a monster and an ignorant too. No more communication with you because I cannot stoop very low like you. I don't eat those stupid McDonald foods filled with germs and chemicals. I don't eat American foods at all. Why don't you use another... more »
If Americans didn't want Haitians here, they would agree with...
April 15, 2011 7:24 PM
If Americans didn't want Haitians here, they would agree with all the nations within MINUSTAH to make Haiti an independent country. Rather it has chosen to make Haiti a very dependent state on America. We want America to leave us alone Rooster so... more »
Les Bailleurs De Fonds Veulent S'Imposer A Martelly
April 15, 2011 10:42 AM
La BID, Banque Mondiale, et la FMI toutes des institutions Americaines veulent s'imposer a Martelly en lui demandant de respecter le cadre macro-economique deja etabli et le gros baron d'Haiti du groupe de la GFN ainsi connu Groupe Financier... more »
Marie Laurence Lassegue: Une Honte Pour La Culture Haitienne
April 15, 2011 10:25 AM
Sur Marie Laurence Lassegue comme ministre de l'information, de la culture et des conditions feminines, Haiti devient une vraie pourbelle des Americains. Elle recoit de l'argent entre les mains des Americains par le biais de l'USCIS pour faire... more »
Restaurer La Peine De Mort En Matiere Criminelle Pour Mettre Fin Aux Crimes
April 14, 2011 7:49 PM
Je demande a Mr. Martelly, le nouveau president elu de restaurer la peine de mort en matiere criminelle pour mettre fin aux traffics de stupefiants et des assassinats en Haiti. Restaurer l'armee d'Haiti dans ses fonctions pour mettre fin a la... more »
What happens to my friend Richelle? This guy really gets on...
April 13, 2011 6:12 PM
What happens to my friend Richelle? This guy really gets on your nerve and everybody's else nerves. He can get fixed from what I learn so far. He is a biracial Haitian-American who thinks that Haiti can be or continue to be an American backyard or... more »
AbleRooster(Kok Kalite) Affirms That The U.S. Is A Puppeteer To MINUSTAH
April 13, 2011 2:59 PM
America as a puppet master as you call it is dealing with a non-puppet MINUSTAH and Edmond Mullet proves not to be a puppet of the United States. The United States needs to know how to cooperate with other countries by not putting ahead its only... more »
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