Tirpiuoy - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti

Topic and comments posted by Tirpiuoy

I say that Toulimen has no right to put his blog address here

I say that Toulimen has no right to put his blog address here. He should call you or send you an email for his crap.I hope he will behave like a gentleman if he knows what a gentleman means and let assume that he is not stupid. I hope he prove me... more »

I am resubmitting the links again because the period after the

I am resubmitting the links again because the period after the html interfered with the link. Now those links are working usembassy.gov http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Security_Agency amazon.com more »

Your argument about Toulimen is correct especially when you

Your argument about Toulimen is correct especially when you said "why bother" because Toulimen apparently opted to resignation and defeatism by arguing that the Haitian elites and the CIA are omnipotent and will prevent beneficial changes for the... more »

I am not afraid of CIA like you or macoute like you. Now you

I am not afraid of CIA like you or macoute like you. Now you are part of Martelly death squad and propaganda machine. How much the CIA pays you to open the new blog in order to make propaganda for Martelly and his homos erectus? Now you are playing... more »

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