Tiba - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti
Topic and comments posted by Tiba
(Page 4 of 115)
Kamoken, Is that you from Haitianconnection.com? If it's you, I...
April 3, 2011 7:11 AM
Kamoken, Is that you from Haitianconnection.com? If it's you, I am delighted to see you my friend. It's really a great pleasure to see an old brainy friend blogger. I was "bwakajou", remember? Anyway, Kamoken believe you me when I say that I agree... more »
Hey, Toulimen Legrand are you the same as I call him "uncle...
April 2, 2011 4:55 PM
Hey, Toulimen Legrand are you the same as I call him "uncle" Toulimen, or are you both different? Anyway, I would ask you to take a deep breath and calm down before you blow another gasket. I want you to understand one very important concept "thi... more »
Well,apres avoir envoye un text message at St.Peter l'autre...
April 1, 2011 6:13 PM
Well,apres avoir envoye un text message at St.Peter l'autre jour a propos d'election presidentielle entre Sweet Micky et Mirlande Manigat, il m'a afin repondu cet apres midi. St.Peter m'a dit, dans un fax message, que Preval and the CEP ont fait... more »
Serge, Understood! but how this is going to accomplish when...
March 30, 2011 6:43 AM
Serge, Understood! but how this is going to accomplish when every single ambassy in P-A-P is ready and willing to give a free pass out of Haiti to everyone in the so-called CEP and the evil government of Preval? If anyone noticed, they would... more »
I would be completely naive to really think there would be any...
March 29, 2011 6:38 AM
I would be completely naive to really think there would be any declaration of the votes on March 31st. This is Haiti and Haitian politics we're talking about here. Fraude and shame govern Haitian politics. It is not for no reason the so-called... more »
Trump or tramp failed to realize running a country is way...
March 24, 2011 6:42 PM
Trump or tramp failed to realize running a country is way different from buying real estates and managing hotels. Government is not a company, a business, or a corporation. It appears to me Trump is too dumb and stupid to understand the definition... more »
Linda, Like I said before, Haitians have an amazing facination...
March 19, 2011 9:14 PM
Linda, Like I said before, Haitians have an amazing facination with old people and that is why the government is nothing but a nursing home institution run only by a bunch of old people with rotten brain, brain damaged, alzheismer's, dementia, etc... more »
Linda, To be honest with you, I have not been following...
March 19, 2011 8:51 PM
Linda, To be honest with you, I have not been following Aristide's speeches other than the one he gave at the airport after he landed where he contradicted himself. At first, he said that he wants to engage in education only, but his first speech... more »
What in the name of mother of crap this psychologist...
March 17, 2011 6:15 PM
What in the name of mother of crap this psychologist, Henry-Claude Saint-Fleur, is trying to say exactly? What is exactly "le Conseil Constitutionnel?" What is that? The whole post just doesn't make any sense to me nor to my dog and cat who just... more »
Aristide is nothing more than a "SCAMBAG" who only care about...
March 16, 2011 8:57 AM
Aristide is nothing more than a "SCAMBAG" who only care about himself. If he found it so necessary to come back just before the elections becuase if he waits to come back after the elections, he fears that he'll go blind, well, I say, so be it. I... more »
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