Tiba - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti

Topic and comments posted by Tiba
(Page 3 of 115)

Pasteur Dumaine, You're giving legitimacy to these...

Pasteur Dumaine, You're giving legitimacy to these delusional/schizophrenic individuals by responding to their nonsense rants. These people are making all kind of accusations against the new president elect, Martelly, without any evidence/proof... more »

Hey Linda, is that you, my beloved blogger friend? It feel so...

Hey Linda, is that you, my beloved blogger friend? It feel so good to see you again! yes, I have changed my e-mail address because my puter got infested with spywares and I was told to either re-install windows or change my e-mail address to solve... more »

Toulimen, You have made your case very brilliantly, and...

Toulimen, You have made your case very brilliantly, and therefore, I am ready to give Bellerive the benifit of the doubt temporarily just to give Martelly time to appoint a new prime minister. I did not think about most of what you pointed out. You... more »

Hey aux calbasses, I must say that you deserve your name...

Hey aux calbasses, I must say that you deserve your name (calbasse). "Tete calbasse" means your head is full of crap just like a calbasse, lack of intelligence. This is the problem with moronic brain dead like yourself. Obviously Bellerive is not... more »

Bellerive to Keep his Job with Martelly!

Please tell me it ain't so! I have been going to the bathroom every 2 minutes because since I heard about this potential move by Martelly, I've been having the worst diarrhea and chest pain. Martelly was preaching for CHANGE throughout his campaign... more »

Mr. Toulimen Legrand, I say Amen e Insiswatil to that! this...

Mr. Toulimen Legrand, I say Amen e Insiswatil to that! this stupid constipation (constitution) represents the master's system and not Haiti. Haitians are not used to have a prime minister and a president in the political system. In 1987, the master... more »

Toulimen, I agree with you 150%. As you know, I never...

Toulimen, I agree with you 150%. As you know, I never recognized the Haitian's so-called constitution as authentic and supreme. To me the damn thing has always been nothing more than a simple "document" that has no meaning whatsoever. It's not even... more »

President "Tete Kale" must rally ALL Haitians to be successful!

Okay, "jwet se jwet kakajam pa ladan" (haitian proverb). Now that Sweet Micky is the new elected president of Haiti, what's now? Where do we go from here? Can Marteley provide the kind the leadership Haiti really needs? Or is he going to surround... more »

Toulimen, I say Ayibobo! Le saint sauver est finalement arrive...

Toulimen, I say Ayibobo! Le saint sauver est finalement arrive en Haiti. Mais come tu l'as dit perfectly, si president "Tete Kale" present so gouvernement comme l'un des plus incompetents and mediocres, je serai le primier en ligne pour le... more »

This is what I have been saying all along. Those with no...

This is what I have been saying all along. Those with no education or very little education are the ones always looking for someone with high education level to be president of Haiti. This little moron, illeterate idiot, by the name of Elsie just... more »

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