Ti Rouge - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti
Topic and comments posted by Ti Rouge
(Page 7 of 9)
Can anyone explain "Zionism", and is Zionism good or bad for...
July 8, 2008 6:07 PM
Can anyone explain "Zionism", and is Zionism good or bad for the World? Thank you.... more »
This is not the place to advertise one's business, rather a...
July 8, 2008 6:05 PM
This is not the place to advertise one's business, rather a forum for Haitians and concerned citizens of the world to bring forward their thoughts and ideas regarding the chaotic situation in Haiti, my beloved darling. It appears as if for a... more »
Can anyone explain "Zionism", and is Zionism good or bad for...
July 8, 2008 4:31 PM
Can anyone explain "Zionism", and is Zionism good or bad for the World? Thank you. more »
Zarien, I want to help you with your low self esteem, and that...
July 8, 2008 10:19 AM
Zarien, I want to help you with your low self esteem, and that is going to be quite a waste for the simple reason that you are brainwashed, you have no thought process, and can not assimilate. It is a sad story, but been a compassionate person, I... more »
Doremi the Homosexual and Rosenberg the Prostitute are a...
July 7, 2008 9:12 PM
Doremi the Homosexual and Rosenberg the Prostitute are a perfect Union in Hell. Keep that demonized shit away from Haiti. We don't need that kind of freedom; freedom of Hell. more »
Doremi, as your name implied you are soft, and I will make you...
July 7, 2008 8:59 PM
Doremi, as your name implied you are soft, and I will make you even softer because that is your nature. Now, that you are drinking kool aid and eating big mac, you no longer respect your master. Bon! je te donnes un petit sous pour me laver les... more »
Il est déja difficile à expliquer aux enfants la pauvreté et...
July 7, 2008 8:48 PM
Il est déja difficile à expliquer aux enfants la pauvreté et la corruption qui ravagent Haiti; Alors je n'ai pas la patience ou le temps pour leur explquer l'immoralité de l'homosexualité laquelle est un fléau et une... more »
The only thing mix about you is a mixed garbage. Now, that you...
July 7, 2008 8:39 PM
The only thing mix about you is a mixed garbage. Now, that you are drinking kool aid and can afford a bic mac, you think you are in paradise. All of a sudden, you are of a mixed race (Dominican - Jewish), well that does not impress me at all... more »
Rene Preval est un petit parvenu. He is one happy uncle tom...
July 7, 2008 4:51 PM
Rene Preval est un petit parvenu. He is one happy uncle tom negro. more »
Doremi Happy Negro
July 7, 2008 10:18 AM
Doremi be mindful that I am a mulato, and regardless where we are, you'll be the one carrying my bag in Haiti or overseas. more »
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