Ti Rouge - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti

Topic and comments posted by Ti Rouge
(Page 4 of 9)

Mario Mothersil hates BLACK people

Little Mario, your academic level is very poor, and your self esteem is even poorer. It looks like the US Army has done a pretty dawn job of removing every single logical cell you had left from your idiotic brain. You are a soldier and your duty is... more »

Mario Mothersil needs help

Little Mario you have a lot of anger, bitterness and hatred in your heart. I feel sorry for your painful situation, and it appears as if your drinking Kool Aid and eating Big Macs have really made an impact our your thinking. Perhaps, you love and... more »

Cobra: Stop the profanity

Cobra, I have your IP address and anymore profanity from you, I will report you to ISS. more »

Let me reiterate that I do not consider naturalized citizens as...

Let me reiterate that I do not consider naturalized citizens as traitors, but there are consequences to every action one takes in life rather it was a difficult one or not. more »

Diaspora obsession with Dual Citizenship

My dear brothers and sisters from the Diaspora, you should have thought about it first before denouncing your nationality, and now you want to eat the cake after you baked it. I am adamantly against Dual Citizenship. Please be cognizant of the... more »

I do not believe dual citizenship is the answer because the...

I do not believe dual citizenship is the answer because the same actors whom are corrupting the politicians in Haiti will corrupt the newly diaspora made politicians. If this is about dual citizenship, forget it. more »

Please let me clarify one thing in response to Linda's...

Please let me clarify one thing in response to Linda's suggestion and contrary to Linda's impression that I am impersonating Rosemberg: Linda, let me reassure you that is not the case. The bottom line is the very same actors whom have oppressed and... more »

Contrary to what I've been reading on this blog sphere, it...

Contrary to what I've been reading on this blog sphere, it wasn't the departure of Jean Claude Duvalier that caused our currency to plummet, but rather the end of the Cold War. That was an Economics Geo-strategy used by the USA to bring the former... more »

I feel deeply sorry for my Haitian brothers and sisters whom still have the Duvalier Nostalgia fever

I feel deeply sorry for my Haitian brothers and sisters whom still have the Duvalier Nostalgia fever. While in exile, please tell me what has Duvalier done to express his solidarity with he Haitian people. more »

Linda: Who is trying to destroy Haiti?

Linda, the answer to your question is very simple, and that is the very same actors whom imposed embargoes against Haiti since 1804, and continue to do so today. more »

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