Ti Rouge - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti
Topic and comments posted by Ti Rouge
(Page 3 of 9)
You got some nerves coming into this blog to sollicit. I will...
July 30, 2008 12:10 PM
You got some nerves coming into this blog to sollicit. I will make certain both HaitianForum.com and HaitianForum.com are recorded in the black list on all top domain name servers. more »
Dr. Elie, le sous dévelopement haitien n'a aucun lien au...
July 30, 2008 11:42 AM
Dr. Elie, le sous dévelopement haitien n'a aucun lien au Vaudou; sinon les Etats-Unis d'Amérique seraient le pays le plus sous-dévelopé au monde à cause de l'immoralité and la corruption qui apparaient comme... more »
Jean-Marie, vous avez beaucoup de courage mon vieux, et je vous...
July 30, 2008 11:35 AM
Jean-Marie, vous avez beaucoup de courage mon vieux, et je vous félicites pour votre candeur and sagesse. more »
Kiki: La confusion entre grand and petit colon
July 28, 2008 1:26 PM
Kiki, vous êtes une énèrgumène d'une conscience déplorable par votre généralization. A cause des batards comme vous, Haiti a été poursuivi par la malédiction des colons blancs qui vous tendrent un... more »
MR. ADAMA KANE: scam scheme
July 22, 2008 2:11 PM
Mr. Adama Kane or?, do not post any scam on this blog sphere; otherwise you will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I got your IP address. more »
Mario Mothersil: mothersilm you can not hide
July 22, 2008 12:18 PM
mothersilm - M109R - 1985 300D 420000 miles - Marceau Jn Noel Mothersil I am closing in on you; next I will post your photo. more »
Mario Mothersil is intimidated by Ti Rouge
July 22, 2008 12:01 PM
Because of TiRouge, Mario Mothersil stopped posting hate messages on this blog sphere. more »
Mario Mothersil is intimidated by Ti Rouge
July 21, 2008 5:57 PM
Mario, I got you pinned in a corner because you are simply a joker and an empty sack. I am watching you very closely, PinHead. You must have taken my last blog very seriously because you did stop your rethoric of Hate, Bigotry, Racism and... more »
Homosexuality is a disease and can be cured
July 21, 2008 12:22 PM
Homosexuality is a disease rather acquired by birth or after birth. It can and must be treated. more »
Homosexuality is a disease and can be cured
July 21, 2008 12:08 PM
Dear Doremi, yes indeed Homosexuality is a disease and can only be cured by the holy spirit. more »
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