Steve Homere - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti
Topic and comments posted by Steve Homere
AND this does what for us? people will always have something to
November 14, 2009 5:18 PM
AND this does what for us? people will always have something to say he needs his five minutes of fame. At the end of the day we have more pressing problems that are real to the hatien people. Some racist who woke up with some new angle why things... more »
The myth of democracy
November 14, 2009 5:09 PM
Do you believe democracy can help haiti i think not. While i am no scientist or genius just simple man. One thing that jumps out about this myth there are no true democracys. All derive there stability through force or the treat of force. Take for... more »
Agreed on that i have relatives who speak of him as if he is
November 14, 2009 4:50 PM
Agreed on that i have relatives who speak of him as if he is the chosen one. I am not hating on the man mind you but as a young hatien american he is almost nonexistent. For some one to truly help the island nation of Haiti the people have to reach... more »
I agree totally with your statement it is coming from
November 14, 2009 4:36 PM
I agree totally with your statement it is coming from fustration. Butwe will not succede untill the younger genration are engaged. The older generation are stuck on the past how it use to be how good they had it and perhaps want to turn the hands... more »
This is an interesting proposal i too long to have some
November 14, 2009 4:20 PM
This is an interesting proposal i too long to have some interaction with my native country. Perhaps something akin to what many latinos have achieved. we must take a page out of their book. Many older hatien talk of this but as of yet very little... more »
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