Stanley Lucas - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti
Topic and comments posted by Stanley Lucas
(Page 10 of 11)
President Rene Preval's record by Stanley Lucas
July 17, 2009 11:49 PM
Haiti: President Rene Preval's questionable record on democracy, security and stability by Stanley Lucas January 25, 2008 Democracy can flourish in Haiti - if given the chance. Despite military coups and the selfish misuse of power by their elected... more »
Haiti's Democracy Under Attack by Stanley Lucas
July 16, 2009 6:48 PM
Haiti's Democracy Under Attack: Honduras reveals the challenges of defending and maintaining a democratic system in the region by Stanley Lucas: The military coup in Honduras is unequivocally undemocratic and must be condemned. In the... more »
Thank you for you answer. Why don't you do it, I can't do it...
July 16, 2009 1:46 PM
Thank you for you answer. Why don't you do it, I can't do it all by myself. more »
My motives? Accountability not hatred my friend.According to...
July 16, 2009 10:53 AM
My motives? Accountability not hatred my friend.According to our General Accounting Office Aristide has U.S.$ 350 million of our country's money and Jean Claude accordind to Delatour US$500 million while citizens are dying de grangou klowox. more »
Haiti Les hommes de l'occupant par Stanley Lucas
July 16, 2009 1:28 AM
Jean Bertrand Aristide le demandeur de l'occupation militaire du 15 Octobre 1994 etait reste silencieux ce 15 Octobre 2008, jour de l'invasion, il aurait pu quand meme s'excuser a la nation. Il y a quatorze ans Aristide sollicitait de la Maison... more »
Facts and Foreign Occupation by Stanley Lucas
July 16, 2009 1:21 AM
Haiti: Facts and Foreign by Stanley Lucas There has always been much debate surrounding the idea of "foreign occupation" in Haiti. Haitians, of course, are opposed to this. And some Haitian leaders capitalize on this opposition by distorting the... more »
Fanmi Lavalas vit du crime par Stanley Lucas
July 16, 2009 1:15 AM
Dans un pays ou la majorite de la population est au chomage, ou la misere bat son plein, on se demande ou le parti Fanmi Lavalas trouve-t-il de l'argent pour construire des chars, acheter des chapeaux chers, des maillots et autres articles tres... more »
Paul Farmer and Stanley Lucas on Haiti
July 16, 2009 1:05 AM
Change Haiti can believe in by Paul Farmer and Brian Concannon January 25, 2009 THE INAUGURATION of a US president committed to reversing "the failed policies of the past" provoked sighs of relief around the world. Few were more relieved than the... more »
Than you. I am the same person.Mwen pa chanje yon bit. Oss!!...
July 16, 2009 12:48 AM
Than you. I am the same person.Mwen pa chanje yon bit. Oss!!! Stanley Lucas more »
April 11, 2009 5:41 PM
Les champions de la corruption en Haiti sont les 17 membres du Groupe de Bourdon. Ce groupe de monopolistes controlent illegalement 75% des activites economiques de notre societe. Ils ont les monopoles de riz, de farine, ciment, sucre, importation... more »
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