Rubens F Titus - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti
Topic and comments posted by Rubens F Titus
Vous feriez mieux d'aller demander aux grands pays Europeens
February 20, 2008 6:12 PM
Vous feriez mieux d'aller demander aux grands pays Europeens pour l'Afrique est tant appauvrie. Ca n'a rien a voire avec le noir lui-meme plutot a son maitre blanc. more »
Trebu; Encore une fois un autre compatriote pense qu'un
February 19, 2008 11:48 PM
Trebu; Encore une fois un autre compatriote pense qu'un gouvernement possede un baton magique avec lequel il va resourdre tous les maux d'Haiti en un clin d'oeil. Quelle sotise!. Haiti est instable depuis l'assassinat du pere fondateur Dessalines... more »
Rosenberg, you can't be serious. Japan has no army and Japan is
February 19, 2008 11:05 PM
Rosenberg, you can't be serious. Japan has no army and Japan is no country at all. "It is my firm and distinctive belief to say a country with no Armed Forces is no Country at all. " I like your expose or essay from before but I am getting a bit... more »
Chers freres et soeurs, beaucoup de patriotes et nationalistes
February 17, 2008 12:11 AM
Chers freres et soeurs, beaucoup de patriotes et nationalistes qui vivent aussi loin de notre chere Haiti partagent votre angoisse, votre apprehension, et votre melancolie de ce que notre Haiti bien-aimee est devenue. Des millions d'Haitiens... more »
Thanks for caring Carlo. We will spread the word to as many
February 16, 2008 10:40 PM
Thanks for caring Carlo. We will spread the word to as many Haitians as we can. There are many charlatans in Haiti; thanks for looking out. more »
Hi Lindsey. First of all, stay away from general google search
February 16, 2008 10:20 PM
Hi Lindsey. First of all, stay away from general google search for Haitian History. I have been browsing the internet since 1993 and there lots of lies on Haitian History, lots of omissions, and straight up misinformation about Haitian History... more »
Hi michel louis. I share your concerns but also we share the
February 11, 2008 10:45 PM
Hi michel louis. I share your concerns but also we share the same love for the same country. What we don't share, at least not yet, is a common front, a consensus plan for Haiti so that as children of a nation our betterment does not depend solely... more »
Mimi, You and I are on the page on this issue. If I may
February 11, 2008 8:08 PM
Mimi, You and I are on the page on this issue. If I may elaborate a bit. We need to rid our country of shanty towns. Why? Because image is everything. I coul never comprehend why past governments had plan to embellish such an unhospitable place as... more »
Build expensive roads or fix seaports inner city
February 9, 2008 1:44 PM
Hi, Mr. President's main economic and political doctrine is that in order to jumpstart economic development there must roadways built throughout Haiti. It's a doctrine that I refute and that I reject. 1. The country needs a thorough transportation... more »
Empower the Haitian youth to change their country
February 8, 2008 11:55 PM
Hi, some say I am an idealist. I said yes we can. I was a youth once upon a time. The Haitian youth wants to be active, it wants to participate, but it is not inspired. it is not encouraged. Let us show the youth a path of hope.Let us give the... more »
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