Rubens F Titus - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti
Topic and comments posted by Rubens F Titus
I will write a piece on Christophe's economic policies one day
March 19, 2008 4:04 AM
I will write a piece on Christophe's economic policies one day but I prefer local meetings and conference appearances where I can talk about it in intricate details. I mention jaune, mulatto, black,dark etc...because unfortunately in Haitian... more »
Mr Rosenberg, I am not aware of any web link for that story nor
March 18, 2008 10:57 PM
Mr Rosenberg, I am not aware of any web link for that story nor that I ever seeked for a link. Real scientific researches are not done on the web since the web is causing a bit of a problem - misinformation is rampant. There are three ways you can... more »
I dont have a personal problem with Petion. I am just
March 18, 2008 10:18 PM
I dont have a personal problem with Petion. I am just interested in History, a social science, and the analysis thereof. I just want to make sure fellow compatriotes look at Haitian history from all angles. Before I continue, critizing the mulatre... more »
Geffrard, mulatre jaune, eduque, membre de l'elite se place
March 18, 2008 8:49 PM
Geffrard, mulatre jaune, eduque, membre de l'elite se place parmis les quelques rares presidents d'Haiti munis de bonnes intentions. Personnellement, j'aime la presidence de Geffrard. Cependant je pense qu'il a commis deux actes reprehensibles. 1... more »
Mensonges, Lionne, Mensonges sur l'histoire d'Haiti. Christophe
March 18, 2008 8:21 PM
Mensonges, Lionne, Mensonges sur l'histoire d'Haiti. Christophe naquit the 6 Octobre 1767 sur l'ile de la Grenade, une ancienne colonie francaise cedee a l'Angleterre par le traite de Paris quatre annees au paravant. Henry Christophe etait d'une... more »
Cher compatriotes, cet passage historique est malheureusement
March 18, 2008 5:37 AM
Cher compatriotes, cet passage historique est malheureusement plein d'ommissions et de mensonges bien calcules. Le noir Henry Christophe, homme de vision, quoique dictateur eclaire, sachant l'importance de l'education pour la posterite et la... more »
Nothing Unique about Mulattos on Earth
March 18, 2008 3:30 AM
Hi, Lionne, mulattos or biracial offsprings are just homo sapiens species just like their parents with a combination of features from both at different proportions. Curiously, in the video they only show the pretty, sexy, & slender biracial ones! I... more »
Haitian Diaspora Remittances reach 1.8 billions US
March 17, 2008 1:53 AM
Alleluia.1.8 billions US dollars is almost 5 times more than what the whole international community pledges to Haiti each year in financial aids. I have heard people organized conference upon conference both at home and abroad for the past decade... more »
You are wrong. Men are good for other things these days. Mr
March 14, 2008 11:02 PM
You are wrong. Men are good for other things these days. Mr. Phillip was arguing just the other day that there is little adultery and concubinage among the Haitian elite and the upper middle class. I did not disagree or agree with him because I... more »
Hi, my Lionne, the good old days weren't always good and the
March 14, 2008 4:36 AM
Hi, my Lionne, the good old days weren't always good and the future is not as bad as it seems. There are a few good men left outthere. A woman just gotta ask the 21 key questions before committing herself. But it turns out that women, instead of... more »
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