Rubens F Titus - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti

Topic and comments posted by Rubens F Titus
(Page 2 of 13)

1930 American report predicted Haiti's doom part I

Published march 26 1930, 15 years through the occupation- Cameron Forbes chairman page 6: " was not until the disastrous financial situation could be straightened out by the flotation of the loan of 1922 that a constructive policy could be... more »

Those 1820 Haitians protected Dominican Republic from...

Those 1820 Haitians protected Dominican Republic from oppression from Spain, the same Haitians that negotiated your second independence in Madrid for you free of charge, those same Haitians that objected to American Monroe Doctrine take-over of the... more »

Looking for a job in Telecom; Verizon is hiring

Candidates interested in applying for any of the jobs listed below can go to California Santa Monica - Bilingual Consumer Sales Consultants. Fluency in English and one of the following languages: Korean, Mandarin or Vietnamese is... more »

Haitian Magazinesrevuesnewspapers of yesteryear

Eglise a la marche, la revue indigene, le petit impartial, combat (revue socio-communiste), la nation (hudicourt - george petit), ralliement, lambi (remplaca ralliement), boukan, les griots (1938), haiti sun, haiti-democratique, l'independance, le... more »

Hi, thanks for your interest about Haiti's plight. I guess...

hi, thanks for your interest about Haiti's plight. I guess clever minds think alike. I can be reached at yldep at Thanks. more »

Femmes Haitiennes Qui se sont sacrifiees pour Hait

Pour toutes celles qui ce sont donnees corps et ames pour une meilleure Haiti, " Beni yo" - yvonne hakim rimpel, leonie-coicou madiou, sannite belair, marie-jeanne, rose-anne auguste, argentine bellegarde-foureau, marie chauvet, penelope faine... more »

Lionne, I disagree 100%. With all due respect you are confusing...

Lionne, I disagree 100%. With all due respect you are confusing cause and effect. The term or tactics of "pre-emptive strikes" seem to be borrowed from the American republican you know who. There many good law bidding citizen living in cite soleil... more »

Jacmel Film Festival November 22 - 29 2008

Hi, fellow compatriotes JFF is a dwarf but yet a bright star in Haiti's dark azure. Please donate or be there. Let us participate. Let us stick together. We are a country and a nation. If we stick together we can get buy anything, anything at all... more »

Plan to combat soil erosion low crop yield

Kudos to Lionne & Claudy. I just wanna add these words: Haiti Soil Erosion Stoppage and More Crop Yield Plan Haiti's landscape is about 75% mountainous terrains and fairly rugged. The climate alternates between a dry season and a raining season... more »

You may as well keep your old home phone

TRIPLE PLAY Telephone Companies versus Cable Television Companies INTRODUCTION: For the first time in history, both the telephone companies and the cable television companies are legally able to offer the same three services to their residential... more »

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