Rubens F Titus - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti
Topic and comments posted by Rubens F Titus
(Page 12 of 13)
Souf...You are so misguided and so wrong I dont even know where...
January 20, 2008 10:19 PM
Souf...You are so misguided and so wrong I dont even know where to begin. I am stating historical facts and the consequences of diplomatic isolation that have put this current generation of Haitians on the path to migration away from our beloved... more »
Haiti pays des terres melees
January 20, 2008 10:09 PM
Haiti, pays des terres melees, Haiti, pays des pentes glissees, Mais Haiti, pays des batailles engagees. Haiti, pays sans un secours, Haiti, pays sans un parcours, Mais Haiti, pays de doux troubadours Haiti, pays de seminaires sans cesse, Haiti... more »
Is this man bashing or what? Yes there are a lot of abusers out...
January 20, 2008 9:50 PM
Is this man bashing or what? Yes there are a lot of abusers out there but a woman always hold the last card. Maybe women do not know they do hold the winning hand. If you are a 24 year old virgin woman looking for Mr. right,stumbled upon a 38 y/o... more »
Oh, please. You are confusing discipline with abuse. I am 100...
January 20, 2008 9:35 PM
Oh, please. You are confusing discipline with abuse. I am 100% against child abuse. I spoke up against reste-avec children. But I grew up on martinette and rigoise under the auspice of Gran'ma and I am doing just fine. When I get sick Gran'ma was... more »
Well, Frederick Douglas was a bit naive in encouraging, a...
January 20, 2008 9:16 PM
Well, Frederick Douglas was a bit naive in encouraging, a mostly caucasian nation which imposed a diplomatic embargo since 1801 on a mostly black nation, to improve its diplomatic relationship with the latter. What caught my attention in this... more »
Hi,solar power is mad expensive. Wind power requires huge...
January 20, 2008 9:04 PM
Hi,solar power is mad expensive. Wind power requires huge amount of space. Haiti is only 27 thousands square miles. Let us privatized ED'H by using dichomoty and sectorial privatization. Thanks more »
"Mes compatriotes du pays souffrent depuis 21 ans " est une...
December 27, 2007 7:48 PM
"Mes compatriotes du pays souffrent depuis 21 ans " est une desinformation. C'est plutot une opionion aveugle de resumer la souffrance du peuple haitien a ces 21 dernieres. Qu'el en est-il des annees inflationistes de Michel Domingue ou de Sylvain... more »
On est vraiment desole que tu donnes des adieux. Ne jamais...
December 14, 2007 9:42 PM
On est vraiment desole que tu donnes des adieux. Ne jamais oublier notre bien-aimee Haiti. Meme quant tout change, on s'envole d'un pays a d'autre, maman Haiti sera toujours la, la meme, dans l'attente de ton retour. Porte toi bien et bonne chance more »
Mais qui a trahi Toussaint? Il n'existe pas de preuves...
December 9, 2007 6:35 PM
Mais qui a trahi Toussaint? Il n'existe pas de preuves convaicantes de cette trahison de Toussaint. Selon les memoirs du general Brunet Toussaint tomba dans un piege et fut capture. A vrai dire, les Francais voulaient tout simplement l'assassiner... more »
Hi, I was not aware of this letter. Good post by Djakut. What I...
December 9, 2007 6:20 PM
Hi, I was not aware of this letter. Good post by Djakut. What I do know is Toussaint confided to American Ambassador Andrews that he's waiting for a false move from the French to declare Haiti and the Dominican Republic (The island of Hispaniola... more »
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