Rubens F Titus - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti
Topic and comments posted by Rubens F Titus
Hello Robert Toussaint, selon Dieusel Anglade du Bureau des
January 29, 2008 7:58 PM
Hello Robert Toussaint, selon Dieusel Anglade du Bureau des Mines en Haiti des recherches supplémentaires seraient necéssaires pour confirmer l'existence de pétrole en Haïti. Cependant si notre pays possede des riches gisements... more »
Qualified Teachers or Electricity for the mass
January 28, 2008 11:56 PM
Hello Mr. President. Much respect. Can you please choose a problem whose solution is not too difficult to implement. Please drop your desire to resolve the electric power crisis and pick up instead an aspect of a national education such as the... more »
Hi, I cannot understand why you would want to subdivide a small
January 28, 2008 10:48 PM
Hi, I cannot understand why you would want to subdivide a small country such as Haiti into even smaller states. I am not thinking of a charity project. Government loan guarantee is a pretty common practice. It helps investors mitigate risk. By the... more »
Hi, I respect the research and the conclusion the scientists
January 27, 2008 12:06 AM
Hi, I respect the research and the conclusion the scientists have deducted. I am a scientist myself.But I just don't buy it. The Haitians love their children. We're just a little tough on our kids. Many of my natural born americans who grew up in... more »
Great vision by Linda. I say Government loan guarantee for
January 26, 2008 11:51 PM
Great vision by Linda. I say Government loan guarantee for banks or private investors willing to invest in modern housing project outside of Port-au-Prince. Thank you. more »
Hello, la vie chere est relative. Le president Preval n'est
January 26, 2008 9:42 PM
Hello, la vie chere est relative. Le president Preval n'est certainement pas l'instigator de la "vie chere". Le cout de la vie etait aussi eleve sous Salnave, Domingue et Nord Alexis. Donc parlons plutot du manque a gagner, du manque d'emploi... more »
Hi, what can we expect when over 80% of the haitian brains are
January 26, 2008 9:31 PM
Hi, what can we expect when over 80% of the haitian brains are living outside the country? Any one planning on going back or what? more »
Hi, it seems you wanna make Haiti a little America in
January 20, 2008 11:27 PM
Hi, it seems you wanna make Haiti a little America in principles. We need a plan and action. 1. Are you suggesting we make Haiti a federation of tiny states and a republic? Haiti has seen many secessions throughout its history, just like you... more »
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