Robert P Toussaint - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti
Topic and comments posted by Robert P Toussaint
(Page 4 of 27)
Yes Michelle we must allow them to return and face the law...
January 5, 2009 11:00 AM
yes Michelle we must allow them to return and face the law especialy Aristide more »
Critiques de l'administration de Preval
December 11, 2008 9:49 AM
Les recentes nouvelles faisant etat de construction de raffinerie de petrole par le Venezuela, la construction de routes ou aotoroutes et ponts, culture du riz par la Chine et la construction de barrages hydro-electric, developpement de... more »
Oui Linda, il est temps pour nous de cette generation de mettre...
September 25, 2008 10:10 AM
Oui Linda, il est temps pour nous de cette generation de mettre fin a cette epidemie ephorique qu'est la course a la fortune et detournement des fonds publics. Nous devons engager des experts etrangers comme ceux qui ont classe Haiti a la 177eme... more »
Le mot decu n'est pas assez fort pour exprimer mon indignation...
September 24, 2008 12:18 PM
Le mot decu n'est pas assez fort pour exprimer mon indignation et ma honte cause par la prestation de ce president. Il aurait du, avant meme de s'attaquer aux corrompus de son administration, remettre les 80 millions dont il dispose. Il n'y a pas... more »
Je suis tres decu de vos accomplisments
September 24, 2008 11:52 AM
Mr le president vous avez fait passer le temps et en fait rien accomplis de possitif pour le peuple Haitien. Vous comme vos precedents serez juges par l'histoire, et je sais qu'un jour viendra ou nous verrons l'avenement d'un vrai President... more »
Tiba, Toussaint,called "Louverture" for his hability to breach...
July 27, 2008 3:16 PM
Tiba, Toussaint,called "Louverture" for his hability to breach in the enemy's line, with the first name of Francois Dominique is a parent and a great man. RPT more »
Obama is talking about Haiti ! ! !
July 27, 2008 3:03 PM
Why was it so difficult for the Haitians people to apply for citizenship in the US? said the Senator today.The reason is: We The Haitian people after creating this 1st black nation in America were considered as TROUBLE!!! DISEASE!!! VODOO???. Our... more »
I'm having some difficulty to post this site. See the...
July 27, 2008 2:13 PM
I'm having some difficulty to post this site. See the rest.*(.net/19354/default.htm Call me at203 612-4711 or E-mail at RToussa979 at more »
I didn't put the proper address of the invention's site. You...
July 27, 2008 2:06 PM
I didn't put the proper address of the invention's site. You can go to (, send me your feedback RPT more »
Yes, he'is in fire The Senator Obama is in fire did you saw...
July 27, 2008 1:48 PM
Yes, he'is in fire The Senator Obama is in fire did you saw that shot? He is the next American president Predicted by me since he declare his candidature to become the next American president. The world need to see the new American approches to the... more »
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