Robert Magic - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti
Topic and comments posted by Robert Magic
(Page 3 of 11)
You need to be more accurate
April 18, 2007 4:00 PM
There is no racism in Haiti Color, not a problem in my country Mulatoes and negroes get together They are married to each other My family has different tone of skin Hated somebody for his skin is a sin My first touch with racism wasn't in Haiti It... more »
Bravo pour Jacob et Eugenia
April 17, 2007 9:41 PM
Les informations restent precises Nous devons sortir de la crise La Minustah doit quitter le pays President Preval peut gerer Haiti Nos pauvres freres ont ete tues Punis par une troupe dereglee Nous demandons le depart de l'Onu La minustah ignore... more »
I disagree with you Fabie
April 17, 2007 9:00 PM
Classism has nothing to do with Haiti It stays our own way of having fantasy Smoking and drinking might be for others We use poetry to make us feel better How are we going to put classism to rest? People always like what they can do best I would... more »
Le media n'a pas fait son travail
April 17, 2007 2:45 AM
Les radio stations jouent de la musique Sans enseigner au pauple nulle pratique Le media doit etre une voie d'enseignement Pour conduire le pays vers l'avant Les issues reelles sont cachees Cependant tout doit etre revele Nous avons besoin des... more »
Preval President de la Diaspora
April 16, 2007 4:11 PM
Nous vous attendoms impatiemment Notre support viendra a l'instant Le premier pas c'est d'etre present Ce sera la rencontre de tous les temps Nous sommes devoues pour aider Haiti La Disaspora a grandi dans le pays C'est notre devoir d'aider la... more »
Invitation lancee au President Preval
April 15, 2007 8:54 PM
Vous etes invite le 19 Mai a Miami Le peuple aimerait partager votre avis Il y aura des milliers d'Haitiens reunis Vous serez l'essentiel de la partie Le peuple aimerait entendre votre voix Il aimerait bien marcher sous vos lois Vous n'avez qu'a... more »
Your explanation is very clear
April 15, 2007 6:11 PM
I understand your concern And embrace your pattern We need to be more responsibe Some helps are unacceptable We can't just keep begging This is not a good feeling The Haitians can grow food That will change their mood We won't have to cross the... more »
Toussaint tu as de belles idees
April 14, 2007 3:59 PM
Nourriture,vetement,logement,dit Maselot Sans quoi le peuple n'aura nul repos L'Haitien vit dans une faim intense Certains citoyens n'ont plus d'existence Le premier plan doit etre l'agriculture Ce plan represente le present et future On ne peut... more »
You get it all wrong baby
April 14, 2007 8:56 AM
The Jamaicans are 100 % black They're watching our back Your thinking is just wrong Jamaicans love us to the bone These people are pride of their color Won't change their skin to get favor If you're talking about real nigger Every Jamaican remains... more »
Teleco in Haiti and its service
April 12, 2007 6:18 PM
Teleco was part of the old regime It worked according to a team Not there to serve everybody Even if customers show the money The company practiced selfishness With minorities, it was careless People with telephone had connection The service became... more »
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