Robert Magic - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti
Topic and comments posted by Robert Magic
(Page 2 of 11)
Learn more about Haiti before acting up.
May 18, 2007 6:18 PM
The country will surely change We'll move to a normal range No country observes the law all the way It did never happen during the old days We are the people of pride and dignity Living under principles and honesty Economic issues and look are... more »
We need to keep begging from Earth to Heaven.
May 16, 2007 11:58 PM
Christopher Columbus was a begger The white men stole from the nigger They have no shame regarding slavery Stealing puts them head of the society We are asking for help; we don't beg It's better than cutting people's head The white men did worst... more »
Prier pour Haiti
May 3, 2007 6:07 PM
Pere Duliepre, priez pour Haiti La priere peut percer l'infini Toutes les eglises doivent prier Les oiseaux d'Haiti l'ont abandonnee L'effort et l'argent ne sont pas suffisants Nous avons besoin l'aide du Dieu puissant Le Dieu qui a cree les astres... more »
We misunderstood each other
May 1, 2007 10:22 PM
We are still a free nation the troops are on a mission Each country depends on each other USA is using foreign oil for power No country on planet earth can survive alone We really need each other in order to run Haiti is not the poorest country... more »
I am ignorant and informed
April 30, 2007 7:54 PM
I can't mull over your mentality Duvalier did zilch for our society I've lived in the realm for 26 years The command brought panic and tears President Preval can't use their strategy Their history is the motive of our misery Of course there was... more »
C'est d'accord tu as tout dit
April 21, 2007 2:36 PM
Je suis en accord avec toi Pardon d'avoir trouble ta foi Il n'y a nul jour sans probleme Cela fait partie de notre embleme La minutah est a peine venue Des erreurs sont commises dans nos rues Le peuple ne discerne pas leur language Cela pourrait... more »
L'equipe Haitienne de foot ball
April 21, 2007 1:00 PM
Qualifiee pour la coupe du monde L'equipe est sortie de la tombe Une grande surpise pour la Fifa Ce ne sera pas notre dernier pas Les joueurs ont decide de gagner Les jeux sont a peine commences Ils doivent repartir en Coree Pour le respect de... more »
Zabelboc je suis a toi pour une deuxieme fois
April 19, 2007 11:26 PM
La culture haitienne doit etre diffusee Pas mal de nos musiciens sont ignores Reginald Polycard et Boulot valcourt devraient etre parmi nos premiers amours Beethova Obas and Emeline Michel Peuvent allumer notre chandelle Sans compter les groupes de... more »
You are unreal brother
April 19, 2007 10:39 PM
Duvalier did not build any highway We received a gift from France anyway That regime was working for its own power The Haitian people were living in hunger Now, we're moving toward democracy You and I can certainly talk openly Duvalier was almost... more »
back at you Zabelboc
April 19, 2007 9:55 PM
You better stop complaining What you've said has no meaning Mulatoes are responsible for nothing More than negroes, they use their brain Our middle class remains helpless Each person is a prince or princess They keep walking around all day long... more »
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