Robert - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti
Topic and comments posted by Robert
(Page 1 of 2)
Why not hand the country over to those that have the...
January 18, 2010 2:57 PM
Why not hand the country over to those that have the ability,the will and resources necessary to move the country out of anarchy and towrds a better life for those unable to escape the lolalito that's too often the agenda of those in charge since... more »
Dear Lovely Sister, Let me tell you franckly that i truly truly...
August 18, 2009 11:21 PM
Dear Lovely Sister, Let me tell you franckly that i truly truly understand and appreciate your concern. Please don`t get me wrong because of what I am about to tell you and I think you should take it as a piece of advice. You see that Haiti issue I... more »
Dear Lovely Sister, No one said that Haiti s geographical...
August 16, 2009 11:35 PM
Dear Lovely Sister, No one said that Haiti`s geographical location has anything to do with its current state of disgrace and shame. I have absolutely no recollections of anyone making such a statement. It is obvious that you are not interested in... more »
J'en ai marre avec les gens de L'Amerique du Nord. Il sont tous...
February 5, 2009 9:11 AM
J'en ai marre avec les gens de L'Amerique du Nord. Il sont tous des salops, incompetents et des sanguinaires. On ne peut pas ignorer leurs acts de meutre, de viol et de vol qu'ils ont orchestres sur notre sol de Dessalines. Ils sont tous auteurs de... more »
Un petit mot de la Rep Dom!!!!!
December 13, 2008 9:48 PM
Cher President Preval, Je tiens d´abord à vous feliciter de votre grand courage et profiter de l´occasion pour faire savoir que nous pensons malgré tout,à notre cher Haiti.Je vis en Rep Dom et travaille dans le secteur... more »
I heard it will probably be "mesi pe a risque"
December 10, 2008 12:11 AM
I heard it will probably be "mesi pe a risque" more »
You should tell the kidnapers that thy shall not kill rubbish...
February 22, 2008 3:18 PM
You should tell the kidnapers that thy shall not kill rubbish along with the thieves and gangsters and drug dealers spreading like fleas and maggots in Haiti. When do people like that have more rights than the rest of the law abiding citizens in... more »
Trebor, Fadh, Zandolit,we need to dechouke those people. I said...
February 21, 2008 3:23 PM
Trebor, Fadh, Zandolit,we need to dechouke those people. I said fire during the day when all the children will be at school, and all descent people will be at work or selling something. We need to up the ante on those criminals. They are becoming... more »
February 18, 2008 1:49 PM
"Fais yo, yon Kout Duvalier! Make an example out of all the gangs and the drug dealers. Grab a few of them in broad day light, march them to a wall and shoot them in the back of the head one after the other. Do this for thirty days straight, I bet... more »
City Soleil do not need to get developed. Its located in an...
February 18, 2008 1:27 PM
City Soleil do not need to get developed. Its located in an area that could be used to expand the airport and build a shopping complex. Haiti desperately need to get some of the tourists and diaspora dollars on their way in or out of the country... more »
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