Ralph Darbouze - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti

Topic and comments posted by Ralph Darbouze

Wow i could not have agreed more with you. i had stopped coming

wow i could not have agreed more with you. i had stopped coming to this blog for a wile and by my accident i got your post and it really make feel not alone in my thinking. i do not even have room to comment, you said it all. bravo Zarien!!! more »

In a way i agreed with you Jean, but problems need to be solved

In a way i agreed with you Jean, but problems need to be solved from their roots. Now let us ask ourselves this important question; which Government? Ok, you and i know it is purely government from the people. No need to tell you we had all... more »

I will commented only on the last 4 paragraphs cause the above

I will commented only on the last 4 paragraphs cause the above one did not elaborate my previous comments for one simple fact, I never insulted any one. The truth is the truth. What you call "trashing out our system" is only putting a mirror in... more »

I agreed with you yanick, i could have not lay it out as best

i agreed with you yanick, i could have not lay it out as best as you did. 1000% right. and again yes you are fight i am in France right now... and i can tell you that even, even, even the french give way more opportunities to those who speak... more »

I agreed with you yanick, i could have not lay it out as best

i agreed with you yanick, i could have not lay it out as best as you did. 1000% right. i am in France right now...and i can tell you that even, even, even the french give way more opportunities to those who speak English on their soil as oppose to... more »

Well... well... "You went to school to study technology and

Well... well... "You went to school to study technology and become an engineer, I on the other hand went to school to study ways and tactics to bring change to a country or community and I become a Licensed Master Social Worker (LMSW)." again this... more »

I do not want to sound negative and please do not take me wrong

i do not want to sound negative and please do not take me wrong but i really need to know what culture are you talking about? Voodoo! What system? Mediocrity! What curriculum? The one from France 500 years ago? "Ever Pechard", what ways of living... more »

One more thing... i do not know if you realize this, NAS

one more thing... i do not know if you realize this, NAS, american academy, union school, none of then are withing the education national curriculum, totally independent, and very expensive! why? and how come? more »

Ok... i see your point. and it true that i had a lot of

ok... i see your point. and it true that i had a lot of barriers also to get the school patented. but nevertheless we cannot stop at that and again trough a big chain of union making the necessary force we can overcome a lot. since my day one in... more »

Although words and ideals can be miss understood even miss use

Although words and ideals can be miss understood even miss use but let pictures determine clearly what I meant buy education, Take a look at this actual footage of one of the sessions back there. If a picture worth as 1000 words, a video 1000... more »

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