Pierre S Pinchinat - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti
Topic and comments posted by Pierre S Pinchinat
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You are so ignorant and you would like Haitians in Haiti to eat...
January 19, 2010 11:11 AM
You are so ignorant and you would like Haitians in Haiti to eat mud and ashes or eat in the garbage cans of those MINUSTAH's soldiers in Haiti. Those foreign forces were there to protect those crooks that stole all Haitian foreign aid and money... more »
My friend, those ignorants of history do not know where their...
January 19, 2010 10:57 AM
My friend, those ignorants of history do not know where their ancestors came from and how they became to be Haitians. For a Haitian in Haiti that has no hope it is one of the best ideas to relocate for a few months or years just to get some... more »
Si usted tiene una vision por Haiti, por favor explica esta...
January 19, 2010 10:26 AM
Si usted tiene una vision por Haiti, por favor explica esta vision por todo el mundo especialmente por sus Haitianos y Haitianas. En este momento, Haitianos y Haitianas necesitan ayuda de emergencia y no blabla. Los Estados Unidos proban con muchas... more »
Il prend des ecervele(e)s comme toi pour etre ignorante de...
January 19, 2010 12:48 AM
Il prend des ecervele(e)s comme toi pour etre ignorante de l'histoire. La facon dont tu ecris prouve une fois de plus que tu as besoin de t'eduquer. Meme dans ta langue tu n'arrives pas a bien exprimer tes pensees et cela prouve encore que tu es... more »
He does not have to resign for the international communities...
January 19, 2010 12:26 AM
He does not have to resign for the international communities rely on a local puppet to rebuild Haiti's infrastructures. Let his time come an end and the international communities will know what to do. His ruling class and him would be silent after... more »
In this time of emergency, one should call for love and respect...
January 19, 2010 12:21 AM
In this time of emergency, one should call for love and respect and not division, for it takes a courageous person like him to understand why Haiti receives such an horrible punishment and he does not want to end rampant corruption in Haiti a... more »
What kind of skills does he have besides being a singer? Is he...
January 19, 2010 12:14 AM
What kind of skills does he have besides being a singer? Is he knowledgeable in Public Administration, Law, Finance, International Relations and Economy? Does he have such an education to manage Haiti's public affairs? What kind of political and... more »
All Haitian public institutions should be privatized to end...
January 19, 2010 12:06 AM
All Haitian public institutions should be privatized to end rampant corruption in Haiti. Haitian ruling class is a shame for all Haitians in Haiti and overseas. This communist government well imposed by the former Haitian economic elites should... more »
Only a corrupted person and an ignorant of history like could...
January 18, 2010 11:45 PM
Only a corrupted person and an ignorant of history like could call the return in power of the Haitian's economic elites. On the contrary, the international communities should set up a provisional government to rebuild Haiti's infrastructure and... more »
I am supporting you in this move and it will not be the same...
January 18, 2010 5:09 PM
I am supporting you in this move and it will not be the same like in 1934 where the ruling class brainwashed the masses to ask the Americans to leave Haiti under a sort of patriotism. There is no patriotism with Haitians. The ones that claim to be... more »
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