Phillip - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti
Topic and comments posted by Phillip
You are the sort of merdes fellow that Haiti do not need in...
May 22, 2008 4:36 PM
You are the sort of merdes fellow that Haiti do not need in this century. The world is like a global village, with people of all kinds of skin color and culture. You have learned white racism and now you would like to apply it to our Haitian... more »
Black Majority Been In Power For Last 100 years
May 22, 2008 4:10 PM
What difference does it make who is what, when or where. It's not going to help the future of Haiti. We need people who are capable of running the government like a successful business. Charles Henri Baker is a successful industrialist with a... more »
Présidents.Roi.Empereurs.Gourvernement Provisoires
May 21, 2008 11:15 PM
***Présidents.Roi.Empereurs.Gourvernement Provisoires*** *1 Janvier 1804-17 octobre 1806: Jean-Jacques Dessalines =2ans 8mois 17jours *28 Décembre 1806-8 octobre 1820 : Henri Christophe =13ans 9mois 8Jours *27 Janvier 1807-10 Mars 1807 ... more »
+The mulattoes always thought they were superior to their...
May 20, 2008 4:15 PM
++The mulattoes always thought they were superior to their dark-skinned counterparts.++ is what you wrote."ou cé Yon ti piti qui ap palé tintin" My answer is : It's not the skin color, but the level of education versus illiteracy... more »
People like your type are always talking about a bunch of...
May 20, 2008 3:36 PM
People like your type are always talking about a bunch of merdes. You all talk and talk and never seem to accomplish anything at all for your own kind. You are like a bunch of parasites. You can only succeed by gnawing at somebody else, or waiting... more »
L'élite Doit Reprendre Le Pouvoir Du Pays
May 20, 2008 2:27 PM
L'élite doit reprendre leur pays de la majorité nègre. Ces voleurs prétencieux et analphabètes ne peuvent rien accomplir pour notre pays. Ils ont été au pouvoir depuis plus de 50 ans, et les choses sont devenu de... more »
Why don't you go to a church, a synagogue,or a temple fellow...
March 16, 2008 8:07 PM
Why don't you go to a church, a synagogue,or a temple fellow. Go pray to your higher power on Sundays for your self, your family and your country. Stop pestering people on this blog about some childish game. Find yourself a hobby: try tennis... more »
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