Nadege - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti

Topic and comments posted by Nadege

haiti 15 octobre 2010 seizieme anniversaire de l'occupation

HAITI 15 OCTOBRE 2010 SEIZIEME ANNIVERSAIRE DE L'OCCUPATION: LES HOMMES DE L'OCCUPANT par Stanley Lucas Le Mercredi 6 Octobre 2010 Yvon Neptune l'ancien Premier Ministre de Jean Bertrand Aristide nous apprend que la these de kidnapping de 2010 a... more »

Hello Jean-Mary, God is awesome! I will continue to praise Him

Hello Jean-Mary, God is awesome! I will continue to praise Him and our Lord Jesus Christ,our Savior forever! I thank Him for His goodness toward our people and our beloved Haiti in advance, as each day I can testify of His faithfulness, and the... more »

Mr. Harold, At last! Another sound minded soldier of Christ

Mr. Harold, At last! Another sound minded soldier of Christ, filled with the wisdom from above, who understands the value of true counsel. Praise and Glory to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, to Whom we will continue to lift up our eyes... more »

Dear Reverend... It was a pleasant surprise to hear that

Dear Reverend... It was a pleasant surprise to hear that President Preval is not only a man of prayer, but has also been assigned wise individuals of faith who understand the power of prayer to the Almighty God,Creator of heaven and earth, through... more »

Directed for President Rene Preval and His Administration

Where in history have you heard of an earthquake destroying the Presidential Palace along with all the Government and Administration offices? What does that tell you President Preval and those who swear to follow your footsteps? Do you really think... more »

Je regrette d'avoir accuse l'innocent Aristide. Je vais

Je regrette d'avoir accuse l'innocent Aristide. Je vais retourner l'argent donne pour l'accuser. Je regrette infiniement d'avoir fait cela. Je ressens une fievre alors je reposterai demain. more »

Titid vient de dire qu'il n'y aura jamais de paix en Haiti sans

Titid vient de dire qu'il n'y aura jamais de paix en Haiti sans son retour et le 7 Fevrier 2011 il fetera avec son peuple alors viendra la paix. Vive Aristide et bon retour. more »

Jamais,jamais!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ARISTIDE EST UN ASSASSIN,C'EST


You are an idiot. You fail to look beyond the carefully-crafted

You are an idiot. You fail to look beyond the carefully-crafted definition of neoliberalism, AND, you ignored the examples of neoliberalism that I've stated. I support capitalism, but neoliberalism is not capitalism - it's corporate fascism, you... more »

To the COON name Marjorie: Listen you COON...You expose your

To the COON name Marjorie: Listen you COON...You expose your ignorance and lack of understanding of basic geopolitical and economic issues every time you curl your crusty fingers and type. You also expose your ignorance about politicians and what... more »

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