Myriam - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti
Topic and comments posted by Myriam
Children In Haiti
March 2, 2010 8:52 AM
Dear President what is your plan in regard to the children in Haiti? Because of the devastation of the Earthquakes most children in Haiti has no home, little or no food and now I hear stories about children as young as two years old been molested... more »
Texte sur la reconstruction du système éducatif
January 24, 2010 9:25 PM
Monsieur le Président, J'ai l'honneur de vous transmettre un texte qui insiste sur la nécessité de reconstruire le système éducatif haïtien selon un plan global sous... more »
Hello Mr. president
December 22, 2008 6:54 AM
How you doing? Mr.president can you do something to help the country more and help the poor people please make the economy better give the people something to do. more »
When will this organize be in effect? but most importantly,how
November 8, 2007 12:58 AM
when will this organize be in effect? but most importantly,how do Haitians and other organizations around the world help? we need a plan, but we also need action!!! "we are all in this together" more »
I totally agree with your statement...Haiti is used and then
November 6, 2007 11:41 PM
i totally agree with your statement...Haiti is used and then spat out like unwanted chewing gum...people should get their facts striaght and Haitians that can help shouldnt being hidden.... I was watching BBC news with a someone from Uganda and... more »
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