Move Zanj - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti
Topic and comments posted by Move Zanj
(Page 1 of 3)
I have mot posted in this blog now for almost a year. I have...
August 19, 2009 11:33 PM
I have mot posted in this blog now for almost a year. I have been very preocupied by the Haitian cause in Dominican Republic where I moved in to better investigate the horrendous situation of our brothers ---whereas many of us here on this blog... more »
Nostalgie: Hitler Duvalier Mussolini Menem...
September 26, 2007 12:17 PM
Nostalgie.. Duvalier Balaguer HitlerMenemMusso Guys I am overflowed here by too many great subjects. That is why I had suggested at one time that we have one or two subjects a week. This week has been a fantastic week. Flo is boiling, Linda is... more »
Nostalgie.. Duvalier Balaguer HitlerMenemMusso
September 26, 2007 11:29 AM
Guys I am overfolowed here by too many great subjects. That is why I had suggested at one time that we have one or two subjects a week. This week has been a fantastic week. Flo is boiling, Linda is punching back, Trebu is accusing, Unknow is just... more »
40.000 haitiens massacres en 1937
September 25, 2007 10:22 AM
Max Max, I, as a Patriot, will not condone your spending your money in the Dominican Republic but again who am I to instruct you where and when to spend your money. In 1987 I end up losing an Arab girlfriend from Maroc because I chose to visit... more »
La defense nationale
September 24, 2007 5:50 PM
Mr Max Je n'ai jamais suggere le retour des Macoutes car il aurait ete un peu irrealiste de revenir en arriere. Mais Max si vous avez du temps faites des recherches sur les conditions actuelles de nos Citoyens en Republique Dominicaine et ca vous... more »
L a defense nationale
September 24, 2007 5:48 PM
Mr Max Je n'ai jamais suggere le retour des Macoutes car il aurait ete un peu irrealiste de revenir en arriere. Mais Max si vous avez du temps faites des recherches sur les conditions actuelles de nos Citoyens en Republique Dominicaine et ca vous... more »
The Macoutes! How you're going to pay them
September 21, 2007 5:12 PM
I do not not have a clue how you're going to pay them Let us know how Brother --- without turning the clock back how we are going to pay them That would scare the Dominicans off who are mistreating our Citizens over there very much but Bro we just... more »
Aristidisme versus DuvalierismeSon
September 6, 2007 12:54 PM
This is a two points argument please be objective I am by no means trying to compare these two evils of our nation. This comparison could be the subject(thesis) of a Political Sciences Doctorate but for those of us old enough to remember our coming... more »
Ask America about Corruption
August 27, 2007 11:58 AM
Brothers Max and L.K. Good point I do not know if you see that news in the United States down there. Here in London we expose them... They control what CNN can say or what ever other Broadcasting put on your plates to chew. CNN is the voice of the... more »
Maklouklou de ta cavite buccale
August 25, 2007 10:47 PM
jeanjean Alors j'ose croire que le MAKLOUKLOU de ta cavite buccale te paralyse la corde vocale et la metastasie qui en resulte atrophie ton petit cerveau et te previent de ne pas vociferer de pareilles betises sur ce site Allez te faire encule tout... more »
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