Miami Dark Knights - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti
Topic and comments posted by Miami Dark Knights
Jude Celestin And His Mistress Have Big Financial Problems In Florida.
October 22, 2010 8:17 AM
Celestin And His Mistress Have Big Financial Problems In Florida. How Can A Guy Who Has Stolen $200,000,000 Miss His Mortgage Payments?? His world is going to be turned upside down BY TRENTON DANIEL tdaniel at JOE RIMKUS JR. / MIAMI... more »
Haïti: Le New York Times a publié le samedi 22 mai 2010 une...
May 25, 2010 7:43 PM
Haïti: Le New York Times a publié le samedi 22 mai 2010 une enquête réalisée par Deborah Sontag et Walt Bogdanich sur une mutinerie noyée dans le sang à la prison des Cayes le 19 janvier dont le bilan est... more »
Les Etats-Unis confirment leur engagement reconstruire Hati
April 6, 2010 6:12 PM
Les Etats-Unis confirment leur engagement à reconstruire Haïti Haïti: Le vice-président américain Joe Biden a affirmé lundi que la Maison Blanche tiendrait son engagement de reconstruire Haïti et d'assurer à... more »
Washington estime 34.4 milliards le cot de la reconstruction
April 6, 2010 6:02 PM
Haïti: Washington estime à 34.4 milliards le coût de la reconstruction Le vice-président américain Joe Biden a réaffirmé lundi, que la Maison-Blanche tiendrait son engagement et sa promesse de reconstruire... more »
Attention Danger: These Guys R One Person Mission 2 compress Important blog
March 31, 2010 12:36 PM
Attention bloggers: Be aware this site has been intentionally upgraded to compress important posts. This is a result of our investigations. We have successfully tracked down the most appear suspicious bloggers. You are being tricked by that... more »
Attention Danger: These Guys R One Person Mission 2 compress Important blog
March 30, 2010 10:45 PM
Attention bloggers: Be aware this site intentionally upgraded to compress important posts. This is a result of our investigations. We have successfully tracked down the most appear suspicious bloggers. You are being tricked by MINUSTAH' paid... more »
Attention Danger: These Guys R One Person Mission 2 Compress Important Blog
March 30, 2010 3:36 PM
Attention bloggers: Be aware this site intentionally upgraded to compress important posts. This is a result of our investigations. We have successfully tracked down the most appear suspicious bloggers. You are being tricked by MINUSTAH' paid... more »
Attention Danger: These Guys R One Person Mission 2 compress Important blog
March 30, 2010 9:26 AM
Attention bloggers: Be aware this site intentionally upgraded to compress important posts. This is a result of our investigations. We have successfully tracked down the most appear suspicious bloggers. You are being tricked by MINUSTAH' paid... more »
Miami: Raphael Stanley Killed a pal with A k- 47
August 11, 2009 8:55 AM
Source: Teen charged with killing pal with AK-47 in Opa-locka Similar stories: •Teen charged with fatally shooting his friend Teen charged with fatally shooting his friend Police have charged a teenager with killing his... more »
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