Mathieu Derisse - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti
Topic and comments posted by Mathieu Derisse
(Page 3 of 11)
Nicolas, I feel amazed about your allegations against both...
February 5, 2010 8:46 PM
Nicolas, I feel amazed about your allegations against both elites. They are all bad. That is why they always plot against Haitian people. Shame on them! more »
I have responded to so many postings that I cannot remember on...
February 5, 2010 8:37 PM
I have responded to so many postings that I cannot remember on which point we disagreed before. It is normal to disagree to advance certain causes. I cannot impose my ideas on anyone. I like that when people disagree with me. Based on our culture... more »
My dear Friend, in a time of need and distress do not talk...
February 5, 2010 1:21 PM
My dear Friend, in a time of need and distress do not talk about dignity. Now, Haitians need foods and they want to rebuild and there is no shame in getting services from the Dominican Republic. We have helped Dominican Republic in getting its... more »
Marie, sois patiente ses jours sont comptes et nous devons...
February 4, 2010 3:00 PM
Marie, sois patiente ses jours sont comptes et nous devons respecter son mandat. Il est elu democratiquement et je ne veux pas qu'on repete les erreurs du passe avec des coup d'etats et dechoukaj. Dans peu de mois, nous ferons nos adieux a Preval... more »
Do not be discouraged at all Lynda, we have a machismo society...
February 4, 2010 2:57 PM
Do not be discouraged at all Lynda, we have a machismo society to bring dowm for the full respect and good treatments of women in our society. I educate myself in that and I know how to bring reforms within our society to empower women to live a... more »
Well, Lynda with all due to respect, the United States is not...
February 4, 2010 2:47 PM
Well, Lynda with all due to respect, the United States is not totally responsible for our Haitian misery and sufferings, but they are accomplices with our ruling elite class in Haiti. Here, racism does play a great role into our sufferings. Whites... more »
Very good advice, he needs our support to do so. We must...
February 4, 2010 2:05 AM
Very good advice, he needs our support to do so. We must respect his term as you said and the rest we will do it, but you know he must prove that he is in chrage before his term expires. We will not renew his term and we will set up a government... more »
Les Francais Sont Responsables De Nos Malheurs
February 4, 2010 1:56 AM
Nous sommes devenus un etat pauvre a cause de notre ancien president mulatre ainsi nomme Jean-Pierre Boyer qui avait paye a ses grand peres Francais la dette de reconnaissance de 150 millions de francs reduits a 90 millions pour en faciliter la... more »
Cessez Des Accusations Non Justifiees
February 4, 2010 1:04 AM
Je ne nie pas la these d'un faux seisme par les Americains mais je n'ai pas de preuves pour le prouver. Tout ce que je peux dire on a eu des seismes en 1810. 1825 et 1843 et ces trois seismes sont tres differents de ce qu'on a eu le 12 Janvier... more »
Preval Stop Being A Puppet of the Mulattoes
January 21, 2010 12:58 AM
Now, this is the time for you to distance yourself from the mulatto's elite ruling class. It is the time to ask all international corporations to invest in Haiti to end the mulatto's monopoly market of 206 years. It is the time to reduce the size... more »
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