Mark - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti
Topic and comments posted by Mark
(Page 9 of 9)
Bondye ap pran note
December 21, 2006 11:07 PM
I heard from radio metropole that many judges are on strike because Mario Andresol of PNH accused them of corruption. I don't why they're revolting against something that is true;they have no shame no conscience. And futhermore i don't why the... more »
it's not the solution
December 20, 2006 11:18 PM
I understand your point of view and your concerns. Nevertheless I don't think anyone or a state has the right to take someone else's life even if that person is a criminel, that's my religious belief. And you're right a lot us are under stress... more »
The death penalty is not the solution
December 20, 2006 5:25 PM
I support life in prison for kidnappers and murderers. However i strongly oppose the death penalty. It makes no sense to re-establish a repugnant act the '87 constitution abolished. Anyone with enough common sense would realize that the death... more »
reestablishing the army is not the solution
December 15, 2006 3:43 PM
If Prime minister Alexis really wants to solve the insecurity issue, he should stop negotiating with the criminals. Because it doesn't work, he's basically rewarding them for the crimes they commit. They'll just keep on doing it; moreover other... more »
there needs to be some changes
December 14, 2006 4:49 PM
You know sometimes i wish that i didn't care about Haiti and its People after all I haven't lived there for 12 now. But that little torn up country is my home I can never love another country as much as love haiti and its people, my people. Preval... more »
nage pou'w soti
December 13, 2006 4:50 PM
Ever since Preval made the comment "nage pou'w soti" during his first term as president. I concluded that he was nonchalant, unconcerned and indifferent which should not be the characteristics of a leader. But apparently such a thing was appealing... more »
down with this negotiation tactics
December 7, 2006 4:47 PM
It is very irritating to hear you say that we should negotiate with these criminals. These criminals have no sense of honesty, morality or respect for life. They will not keep their own words. You keep saying we negotiated with Raoul Cedras,Toto... more »
Mr. Knew what he was getting himself into
December 6, 2006 7:13 PM
Robert Magic I read your statement and it's very interesting. I'm sure there are arm groups in Haiti doing their best to destabalize the country and make President Preval look bad.However Preval is a veteran politician he's been around since before... more »
fok preval pran yon decision
December 4, 2006 12:35 AM
Mwen li message ou wa, mwen dako le ou di Preval pa ka fait anyen san nou tout pa ede li. Men pou etat sitution kidnapping sa fin-n degenere la. fok Preval etan que president presente yon plan efficace pou kombat zafe kidnapping sa. Se vre li... more »
go easy on him
December 1, 2006 2:49 AM
I never really supported Preval, I had hoped someone else would have won the election. I think we need to give Mr. Preval a chance he's only been in power for a few months. He inherited a country where all its institutions are weak and corrupted... more »
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