Mark - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti

Topic and comments posted by Mark
(Page 7 of 9)

wisdom dictate preparation before the storm

I thought i had read every illogical and ridiculous comments until yours. In politics officials who want to be elected prepare a plan for the office they intend to run long before they become a candidates. That's why in the US and other developped... more »

What do you propose

Your comments are the most unintelligent, irritable and non-constructive ones posted. You question everybody's patriotism, and lack personal plans for Haiti, yet you don't present your own personal plan. You simply launch a prejudice attack on... more »

that's a great point to bring up

Toussaint I agree with you completely on the matter. Back in 2003 before i became a US citizen I went to consulate in Miami to renew my passport because i wanted to go to Haiti. When i left that place i was so angry.Most of the people they have... more »

we must not neglect other important issues

As usual Mr. Trebu, your comment is constructive and very diagnostic. And Nate is right in stressing the significance of a stable economy where inflation is controlled. To do that we must promote the production and consumption of local products... more »

These people don't know how to run a country

I'm a realistic person. I knew from the start that whoever got elected president wasn't going to be able solve Haiti's problems right away. Haiti is an island floating in a sea of obstacles. My problem with the Preval Alexis government is the fact... more »


New kid on the block this is the question you should be asking yourself: Why is there so much trash in the streets of Haiti. And I guarantee you brother forced labor is not the solution. The mindset of forced labor rivals that of a slave owner. It... more »

C'est un pas en arrière

Quand j'ai lu votre premier commentaire j'ai pensé qu'une partie de votre remarque était intéressante. Mais j'ai changé d'avis. Ce que vous proposez est esclavage caché. Ce système ne peut pas exister dans une... more »

Une excellente remarque

Mon frère vous avez fait une excellente remarque. J'avais dit la même chose. Il semble que nos chefs attendent à la communauté internationale pour résoudre les problèmes qu'Haïti confronte. Les Étrangers... more »

World of problems part II

As I've said before, as the President of Haiti one would never call Preval a world leader yet he faces a world of problems in Haiti. Five years is not enough for any leader to deal with this sea of obstacles. For this reason I advocate patience... more »

A world of problems

Two centuries ago our ancestors devastated the French army one the mightiest defense forces in the world at the time. And founded the first black republic. The US was able to buy Lousiana for a killer price from the French in what is called the... more »

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