Llyod Benneth Le Bourru - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti

Topic and comments posted by Llyod Benneth Le Bourru
(Page 1 of 2)

The president of DR was a Gypsy"livery"cab driver.L'homme...

The president of DR was a Gypsy"livery"cab driver.L'homme haitian est confus.Well,it was a white american woman that was operating the front end loader removing and dumping our love ones bodies.It seems that HAITI MIDDLE CLASS DOESN'T HAVE any of... more »

Linda and Bernadette are the same person,she has a right to...

Linda and Bernadette are the same person,she has a right to call herself any aliases that she likes to.It is time know who our real enemies are,there are running the UN.One would think that The UN would go after the RED CROSS to build a multiple... more »

Oh,Grand Dieu de 'Univers,le temps me fait la guerre,ca fait...

Oh,Grand Dieu de 'Univers,le temps me fait la guerre,ca fait deja 22 ans depuis que j'ai visite la France.Des mon arrivee,j'en ai fait la remarque.Look,I've been in Nigeria,I met family members that don't speak the same dialect,if they don't speak... more »

What is the UN'role in Haiti?

We have about 9000 well armed millitary men in our country.Everyday,they are enjoying the beautifull sky of our homeland.They don't do anything to stop the insecurity that make Haiti a no man land.they are raping our children and got pay for their... more »

On ne fait que promoter la langue d'un de nos oppresseurs.On...

On ne fait que promoter la langue d'un de nos oppresseurs.On n'est plus dessalinien.Si on est laid,c'est la faute de notre Createur,il fait"haitien". Nou pa pale Kreol,nou pale france,nou pa utilize Gourde,se dolla ki a la mode.nou pa mage kassav a... more »

Well,money est the root of our problem,do you trust the...

Well,money est the root of our problem,do you trust the Preval's government $22 billion?I bet you that within 3 months all the money will be back in european banks.No one is paying attention to our demand,beside talking what can we do to make the... more »

We may not be an agreement"soyez prudent"but i believe that we...

We may not be an agreement"soyez prudent"but i believe that we haitians need to militarize our country.We became the 2nd indepndent country in the american continent by fighting for freedom.Do you really believe that UN aka USA will provide... more »

We need to go to the back yard of Haiti to revive our...

We need to go to the back yard of Haiti to revive our agriculture.I'm by no mean an expert in food but i know for sure that if i surround mylseft with people that know agriculture,i would bing something that our country have been lacking for a long... more »

Just like your pc need sofwares and hardwares to function.We...

Just like your pc need sofwares and hardwares to function.We need military means to back up our demand.See the way the russians answered by restablish their alliance with Cuba because they want to bring their hardwares closer to our shores more »

Haiti has the highest fees to start any business in the...

Haiti has the highest fees to start any business in the caribean.Haiti doesn't need donation.Washington makes us believe that charity would help.Look,i believe in creating jobs instead of having a long line of people waiting for food, clothes and... more »

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