Legagneur - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti
Topic and comments posted by Legagneur
Ending Velcro or Puppet Presidency In Haiti
August 1, 2010 11:30 AM
Remember this, Aristide was managing charitable organizations before he became president in HAITI and what all got in return were political intimidations, corruption, drugs, gangs and assassinations from his mentors and coup d'etats at the end. A... more »
Mon frere, les Haitiens sont mechants a tous les niveaux. Les
June 29, 2010 11:29 PM
Mon frere, les Haitiens sont mechants a tous les niveaux. Les vrais intellectuels d'Haiti restent a l'ecart car ils ne voient aucune porte de sortie pour ce pays encercle de voyous, bandits, menteurs, magouilleurs et illetres. Les Haitiens sont... more »
Vous ne pouvez meme pas ecrire en Francais mais dites moi
June 29, 2010 11:18 PM
Vous ne pouvez meme pas ecrire en Francais mais dites moi comment vous avez fait pour reussir un test de Home Health Aid in English. Vous ne pouvez meme pas ecrire dans vos langues: Creole et Francais. Vous representez un danger dans l'art de laver... more »
Haiti does not need anymore those wild beasts called Duvalier
June 29, 2010 11:07 PM
Haiti does not need anymore those wild beasts called Duvalier and Bennett. That African-American woman should not be the first lady of Haiti and it was a mistake. Duvalier Francois, a French man from San-Lucia (Ste-Lucie) should not be one of the... more »
You are one of the bluffers and you want this stinky country to
June 29, 2010 10:59 PM
You are one of the bluffers and you want this stinky country to remain the same. As a welfare member, you should be ashamed of yourself for not returning to your dirty unskilled job of taxi cab driver. Leave the welfare system for the disabled... more »
Haiti: Un Pays Maudit Rempli De Malfaiteurs et Magouilleurs
June 29, 2010 11:03 AM
Haiti ne changera jamais car les Haitiens sont des sous-hommes qui aiment la violence, le vol, la corruption et la superstition. D'un cote, vous avez les mercenaires bourgeois qui ne veulent pas qu'Haiti se developpe puisqu'ils croient que les... more »
Rumor: Marc Bazin has died from a stroke in Petionville. Poor
June 23, 2010 4:35 PM
Rumor: Marc Bazin has died from a stroke in Petionville. Poor him, he did not become president after his long standing fight for Haiti's presidency. May his soul rest in peace! There will be more Bazinists to continue the fight ok. Bazin rests in... more »
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