Lavaud Hold Desmoulins - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti

Topic and comments posted by Lavaud Hold Desmoulins
(Page 6 of 15)

Before I consider it a mea culpa, I wonder if all his billions...

Before I consider it a mea culpa, I wonder if all his billions could buy him another term? Lavaud Hold Desmoulins The C.R.J. The Great King is Coming more »

Most of successful political movements began in the L'Artibonite areas

Maybe Premier Ministre Jacques Edouard Alexis a grand voulu nous dire un petit peu de plus. Je dis: un tout petit peu de plus. I think Premier Ministre Alexis must spit it out for the sake of humanity. Lavaud Hold Desmoulins The Great King is Coming more »

The True Meaning Of "Aide-Toi Le Ciel T'Aidera"

"Aide-toi le ciel t'aidera" means: Push to the limit your righteousness, your respect; your eager for justice, for liberty and for freedom; for your deep-seated hatred for your "MEPRIS" social status in this millennium; for your MUST to having your... more »

The True Meaning of "Aide-Toi Le Ciel T'Aidera"

"Aide-toi le ciel t'aidera" means: Push to the limit your righteousness, your respect; your eager for justice, for liberty and for freedom; for your deep-seated hatred for your social status in this millennium; for your MUST to having your five... more »

Le monde grand a besoin une reforme extrement cesarienne a L'O.N.U.

Si l'O.N.U. ne voit pas dans l'immediat l'obligation d'une serieuse REFORME tres approfondie-- et meme cesarienne-- au sein de si importante organisation qu'elle est, si son siege et les activites de ses membres a New York survivent le premier... more »

When enough is enough?

Haven't you heard enough? Haven't you seen enough? Haven't you cried enough? Haven't you been humiliated enough? When enough is enough? Lavaud Hold Desmoulins, a.k.a., The C.R.J. The Great King is Coming more »

Message To Ministre Evans Lescouflair accused of sexual predator

We, The Dark Knights, are tough and mean on the type of crime. We urge the Haitian Parliament to take over the control of the security for the victims immediately. I mean, right now. We also urge Ministre Lescouflair America, France, Great Britain... more »

The Messenger has delivered. Word up!

The Messenger has delivered. Word Up! more »

Should we believe this crap? Here is the NY's corporated Corporations!

I have stolen 150 city buses (and lots of trains), boasts mass-transit menace Darius McCollum BY Ryan Strong and Dave Goldiner DAILY NEWS WRITERS Friday, September 3rd 2010, 4:00 AM He's famous for his obsession with the subway, but mass-transit... more »

The Power Of Knowledge by Lavaud Hold Desmoulins, a.k.a., The C.R.J.

"Gwo Gwo Lougawou Modern" have made my CHILDREN very special ones in The Circle. Because of the quality of such attribution and the quantity of amount of evil energies it comprised, especially from its most infamous contributors and their well... more »

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