Lavaud Hold Desmoulins - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti

Topic and comments posted by Lavaud Hold Desmoulins
(Page 3 of 15)

May 14th Doesn't Exist in President Preval's Agenda

It is not an obligation for President Rene Garcia Preval to siege through May 14th. Lavaud Hold Desmoulins, a.k.a., The C.R.J. The Great King is coming more »

The worst Ignorant!

The worst ignorant is the ONE... that doesn't believe The Great Almighty GOD... exists. Lavaud Hold Desmoulins, a.k.a., The C.R.J. The Great King is Coming more »

The Great Day!

Somebody is coming while somebody else is leaving; rather coming than leaving! Lavaud Hold Desmoulins, a.k.a., The C.R.J. The Great King is Coming more »

Gangs in Haiti? Tell the truth about them!

The gangs in Haiti are controllable. The main issue here is the presence of the MINUS - TAH and the appearance of the Police Nationale D'Haiti (PNH). These two factors are main sources that generate gangs in Haiti. Lavaud HOld Desmoulins, a.k.a.... more »

The Holly Man took the WORD to the LIMIT as he was instructed to do so!

When time has come for certain experiments, how very well a man should master it if he has not see it coming? 2010 was the Holly Year- the RESPECT! The WORD was SEEN, TOUCHED, FELT, TASTED, SMELLED, AND HEARD. The Holly Man took the WORD to the... more »

Tek Bor Ron'n. Step 10. The 3rd Test Inside The Ron'n. A Waiting Date!

Tek Bor Ron'n. Step 10. The 3rd Test Inside The Ron'n. A Waiting Date! (From Now to December 30th) L'OEA attend les termes de sa mission pour commencer le recomptage Haïti: La mission de l'Organisation des Etats américains (OEA... more »

Merry Christmas!

My Great God-- the biological father of all Dark Knights, all Passengers, and all philosopher kings-- could have Manman Marie delivered baby Jesus... painless, but...he let it happen! Merry Christmas! Lavaud Hold Desmoulins, a.k.a., The C.R.J. The... more »

Tek Bor Ron'n Step 10 The 2nd Test Inside The Ron'n: The Dust by old rats

Des Sénateurs, des dirigeants de l'opposition et de la société civile appellent à l'annulation des élections et à la mise en place d'un "gouvernement de consensus" avant le départ du Président Préval le... more »

Tek Bor Ron'n. Step 9. The Real Menace. The Prelude...

Tek Bor Ron'n. Step 8. The Real Menace. The Prelude... Une association de vodouisants menace de passer a l'offensive contre les auteurs d'actes de lynchage de certains des leurs accuses d'etre les propagateurs du cholera Le gouvernement mis en... more »

Tek Bor Ron'n. Step 8. The Real Menace. The Prelude...

Une association de vodouisants menace de passer à l'offensive contre les auteurs d'actes de lynchage de certains des leurs accusés d'être les propagateurs du choléra Le gouvernement mis en cause en raison de sa passivité... more »

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