Lavaud Desmoulins - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti

Topic and comments posted by Lavaud Desmoulins
(Page 4 of 33)

Tek Bor Ron'n. Step 8. The Real Menace. The Prelude...

Une association de vodouisants menace de passer à l'offensive contre les auteurs d'actes de lynchage de certains des leurs accusés d'être les propagateurs du choléra Le gouvernement mis en cause en raison de sa passivité... more »

Tek Bor Ron'n . Step 8. The Trojan Horse!

Tek Bor Ron'n. Step 8. The Trojan Horse! Are you with me Haitian people? Let's get this homework done now! Mankind has only two feet. If you see three feet, one is the macaque's tail faking its appearance. Be careful! No deal! No Election macaque... more »

Don't Take Nothing For Granted. No Delay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't Take Nothing For Granted. No Delay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't Take Nothing For Granted. No Delay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't Take Nothing For Granted. No... more »

Message For Christmas 2010: I Did The Perfect thing On October 12, 2006

My Message for Christmas 2010: I Did The Perfect thing On The Date Of Thursday, October 12, 2006. I did the perfect thing! If The government of the City of New York had made it LEGAL for The Desmoulins Family to be robbed and harassed anywhere in... more »

Reality Check 1) All 3 candidates in the second tour Michel...

Reality Check 1) All 3 candidates in the second tour Michel Martelly wins 2) Without Martelly Celestin wins 3) Without Celestin Manigat Wins. Lavaud Hold Desmoulins, a.k.a., The C.R.J. The Great King is Coming more »

Understanding The Game. The Auction-- The Bid Is On The Streets.

Understanding The Game. The First Part: The Auction-- The Bid Is On The Streets. What if the elections were not disturbed? Uh Ohhh! The urgent recount will automatically validate the success of the November 28, 2010, Elections. I mean, that MINUS ... more »

The Sky Belongs To The Birds

The Sky Belongs To The Birds. Lavaud Hold Desmoulins, a.k.a., The C.R.J. The Great King is Coming more »

Quel venin! Quel malingre! Quel Mulet! Quel Yiiihihihihi!!!! Hannhanhan!!!

"L'ONU et la communauté internationale n'accepteront jamais que le président légitime d'Haïti parte sous la pression de la rue. Ce serait un coup d'état", Edmond Mulet de la MINUS - TAH Mais c'est evident! Je fermerais ma... more »

To My Haitian People In Haiti Only

To my Haitian people in Haiti only: If you stand alone before a mirror, YOU MUST NOT SEE OTHER THAN YOURSELVES APPEARED IN...! Lavaud Hold Desmoulins, a.k.a., The C.R.J. The Great King is Coming more »

Don't Take Nothing For Granted!

You conserve what you love, you preserve what you conserve, and you must respect what you preserve! Lavaud Hold Desmoulins, a.k.a., The C.R.J. The Great King Is Coming more »

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