La Lionne - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti

Topic and comments posted by La Lionne
(Page 1 of 5)

Same Cul de mon cul in this blog Different Day

So Haitians are at it again with the Dominicans. One of these days it will come to blows, and Haiti will be on the receiving end. Haiti needs to start developping water taxies so they can travel and trade with their other neighbors. That's all I... more »

Selon le président Haïtien René Préval

Haïti : Selon Claire Lydie Parent, un défaut structurel de l'édifice serait responsable du drame de l'école de Pétion-vile,non les récentes tempêtes tropicales qui ont frappé l'île. Selon le... more »

New James Bond Movie Partly Filmed in Haiti

007 movie is cool, go see it, was filmed partly in Port-au-Prince and Labardie I think, anyway I am glad they showed a nicer version than the squalor I had expected to see. Although the actress look Haitan or Latina, but she is from Ukraine with a... more »

Epithets for Preva! Blogger lacked Imagination!!

You lacked imagination my friend: here are some epithets for Preval: lack intelligence, lack good judgment, downright dumb lack the power of normal reasoning, and normal speech(cannot speak standard French) Preval is full of presumption, full of... more »


Un précédent bilan établi samedi faisait état de 84 morts et 150 blessés. La population Haitienne continue de payer l'irresponsabilité du gouvernement Préval, incapable de supervisé les constructions dans le... more »

Technically Obama is the first Mulatto President!

What exactly do you think Obama is? Do you think that Jesse Jackson Junior or Senior could have managed to have such a large share of the white vote, regardless of their talents? Pssst! Obama is a MULATTO! People like him do not suffer from mental... more »

McCain Underestimated Obama!

. McCain and his team misjudged, underestimated and disrespected the formidable talent of Barack Obama and the team he put together. At the end they lost! Palin should give back the 150,000 dollars worth of designer cloths that was purchased with... more »


Un monde sans noirs: "On raconte une histoire très amusante et très révélatrice à propos d'un groupe de Blancs qui en avaient marre des Noirs. Ces Blancs avaient décidé, d'un commun accord, de s'évader vers... more »


Francois Duvalier The Great Noirist defender, yet he had mulatress mistress France St.Victor and the grimelle wife Simone Ovide. Francois the assasin of the Hatian elites, how ironic to see his Tonton machoutes assassins saluting his "grimo... more »

Musique Haitiens De Nos Icônes Haïtiens

Reunions des anciens Musiciens sur le blog. Kompa Direct Haitiens.Shleu Shleu,Gypsies,Tabou Combo, Nemours Jean-Baptiste & Webert Sicot,Skah-shah,System Band. C'est merveilleux!!! Shleu Shleu - Moun damou Gypsies de Petion-Ville... more »

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