Kiki - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti

Topic and comments posted by Kiki
(Page 1 of 10)

The kind of men can do nothing good. The mentality of the...

The kind of men can do nothing good. The mentality of the Haitian People is so bad that any good idea can be materialized. It is possible that the devil lives in Haiti with his demons. more »

VOTRE cousin Aristide est condamne a rester en Afrique. Peut...

VOTRE cousin Aristide est condamne a rester en Afrique. Peut etre, on devrait l'envoyer plutot a Zimbabwe o Bukina. more »

Ton cousin Aristide est condamne a rester en Afrique.

Ton cousin Aristide est condamne a rester en Afrique. more »

Oui mon cher, vous avez raison. Haiti a vraiment fait la...

Oui mon cher, vous avez raison. Haiti a vraiment fait la dignité de la race noire pour être le premier pays nègre indépendant du monde qui s'est converti en un pays le plus pauvre et le plus misérable du monde, le plus... more »

Finnaly Haiti will have an african for president:Ibo Bambara...

Finnaly Haiti will have an african for president:Ibo Bambara Fulani. But there will be no change in Haiti with him, because pratically, the african are not progressist. more »

Aristide must stay in Africa till he dies. Because he is one of...

Aristide must stay in Africa till he dies. Because he is one of the responsibles of the lack of institutionality in Haiti. more »

If you make the difference, and you are so sincere, go to marry...

If you make the difference, and you are so sincere, go to marry a poor and a drunkard man. Furthermore, the idea that all the Dominican women are prostitutes comes from some jealous and embittered Haitian women. How can we discriminate all a people... more »

Where is the probleme liking the dominican girls? Are they not...

Where is the probleme liking the dominican girls? Are they not girls like any other? more »

Ok! Mr. le Rev. Pasteur. Pas de probleme! Comptez sur moi! Je...

Ok! Mr. le Rev. Pasteur. Pas de probleme! Comptez sur moi! Je me mets desormais a votre cote pour votre noble cause et votre imperieux projet d'arriver a la presidence du pays des demagogues. J'esppere rencontrer aussi Mr. Tiba afin de former un... more »

Oh Mr. Tiba! I had so much time without hearing about you. It...

Oh Mr. Tiba! I had so much time without hearing about you. It was a pleasure to read you this time. more »

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