Junior - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti

Topic and comments posted by Junior
(Page 1 of 2)

Starting A Business in Haiti

I am a U.S. Citizen and Haitian American I would like to know how can I start a Aviation Company in Haiti. And does the Government has any assistance Grant Programs more »

Jajajajajaja gad le preval jajajajajaja

jajajajajaja gad le preval jajajajajaja more »

just be me

hi my president you know you suck you aint do shit since you been president more »

Shame on us

I went to Dominican Rep This year I was so emotional when I saw country who share a border with us was advanced and we way at back i had anger inside of me. y'all goverment and the one before you traveled around the world y'all see things why you... more »

preval ne connais pas comment gerer un peuple

les haitiens sont des resignees pasce que preval peut dire a les bougeoisde reduire les prix et le gaz preval mais preval lui meme ne sait pas cmt parler a les gens ils disent tout more »

I agee with you, but unfortunatly, most Haitians are too stupid...

I agee with you, but unfortunatly, most Haitians are too stupid to see things in a bigger picture. more »

You are very angry pal. To answer to some of what you said, the...

You are very angry pal. To answer to some of what you said, the poverty and problems Haiti is facing have come from, both, colonial and post-colonial time. That is, all the money France stole from Haiti, the hard policy of the U.S toward Haiti and... more »

Protecting Haiti From The Racists

As a young Haitian student living in the U.S, I often ask myself if the Haitian government and its leader Mr. Preval understand the trap policies of the U.S toward our nation. If so, I want to know if the Haitian government is working toward a plan... more »

mwen vle peyi gen pi bon dirijan youn veye so

sa kap fet nan peyi a mwen ta renmen ou konnen se prezidan ou ye. pran gouvenman sa a o serey se tan yap pedi yo pa sou ravay se sou vann pos yo ye ok veye premye minis ou a se ou ki metel li pa bon li paka travay ok pou youn mare lot nan koripsyon... more »

L'insecurite un arbre à racines profondes

son exellence, je suis content de voir comment la securite revient peu a peu. cependant si l'impunite demeure et si lumiere n'est jamais faite sur certains actes criminels comme la mort de Jean dominique votre ami, linsecurite ne sera pas extirpee... more »

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