Jolibois Petithomme - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti
Topic and comments posted by Jolibois Petithomme
Former Dark Skinned Haitians Were Not Pragmatic Leaders
April 12, 2010 1:16 AM
They had no vision and society projects to manage Haiti. Mulattoes were somewhat a little pragmatic, but they were too corupted with their politics of the belly (politique du ventre et nager pour sortir). We never have a dark skinned black Haitian... more »
You have not made your case and the brown elite as composed by...
April 12, 2010 12:57 AM
You have not made your case and the brown elite as composed by Duvalier Francois to compete is responsible for making Haiti the poorest country on earth. Saliba and Castera are the biggest importers of tropical foods that Haiti can produce. They... more »
Haitian Elites' Name Changes
April 12, 2010 12:12 AM
Middle Eastern Elites with Duvalier's Blessing or Brown Elite: Mews from Mirtz, Saliba from Asalib, Castera from Kazra, Zuraick from Zurick, Sae from Sahie, Biggio from Boglio, Acra from Accra From Jamaica: Browny to Brown From African Americans... more »
All the Trouillots are from Dominican Republic and they...
April 11, 2010 11:42 PM
All the Trouillots are from Dominican Republic and they migrated to Haiti after the assassination of Trujillo in 1961 and they had changed their names from Trujillo to Trouillot like Asalib to Saliba, Mews to Mirtz, Brand to Brandt and so on... more »
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