Jojo - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti

Topic and comments posted by Jojo
(Page 6 of 8)

Haitians or dominicans i have a question. does ha

Brother! it is not a problem of being Dominican or Haitian,mulatos, white or black,the problem is a question of undevelopment of this part of the island, give the name you want to give, the people who are living in the west part in that land must... more »

tandé tandé mezanmi si vous comprenez l'espagnol

read yhis article if you kan understand spanish : Il dit ici Haiti est le principal probleme de la republique Dominicaine, Haiti se yon chay pour Dominicain an, prese, prese fok y mete yolitik d'imigrasyon avec Hiti more »

Haiti will change even 50 years after

Quand vous pensez à, vous pouvez croire qu'Haiti, un jour, changera, ça ne apeut etre olus dur qu'au temps de celui-là, non? meme si croix des bossals, (croix des peaux sales), sité soleil, bel-air, nan... more »

haiti mauvaise nouvelles bad niews noticias

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP).-The Department of the North American State prohibited the officials of his government to travel to Haiti, according to a declaration spread after violent declarations. Also he advised to the American citizens to consider... more »

le projet d'unification de Hispanolanoyosoy

nice idea, nice project for both nations, but unfortunately I'm not sure you understand what the Domonican poeple say about the Haitian, how they understand the Haitian, the haitians do not undrstand eider how far they are from Dominicans and the... more »

Force armée d'Haiti= force des damnés

80%c des causes de la situation calamiteuse de pays sont inputable à la force armée d'Haiti, pardon! force des damnés d'Haiti, force des insivilisés et indisciplinés, bref force des coup d'etat, force de regression et de... more »

A Hispanolanoyosoy about violence as culture

A vous Hispanolanoyosoy,to you Hispanolanoyosoy:a usted Hispanolanoyosoy: Je peux repondre, I kan answer, yo puedo contestar, Seulement vous qui avez dit quelque chose de bien et constructif; Only you who said some thing good and helpfull; solo... more »

Haiti and his economy

to make to advance economy of Haiti, it is necessary to achieve to reduce the cases of kibnaping to, at least, 95%c at month at least during 4 years;investors will come not to play to the lottery, but to undress his money in every quiteness, which... more »

la economia de Haiti

para hacer avanzar economie de Haiti, hay que lograr reducir los casos de kibnaping a, por lo menos, 95%c al mes por lo menos durante 4 años,así inversionistas etrangeros vendrán no para jugar a la lotería, sino investir su... more »

l'économie d'Haiti

pour faire avancer l'economie d'Haiti,il faut arriver diminuer les cas de kibnaping à, au moins, 95%c par mois pendant au moins 4 ans, comme ça des investisseurs etrangers viendront non pas pour jouer à la loterie, mais investir leur... more »

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