Jimmy - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti
Topic and comments posted by Jimmy
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Retour de Duvalier/ Duvalier's return
January 28, 2011 10:36 PM
English follows. Je me demande vraiment pourquoi Jean-Claude Duvalier est retourné en Haïti actuellement. C'est peut-être une question stupide, je ne connais rien à la situation d'Haïti mais j'apprécierais que... more »
I think it should be in the second city Cap-haitien.
February 17, 2010 8:22 PM
I think it should be in the second city Cap-haitien. more »
about haiti
November 16, 2008 6:50 PM
President preval. what are you doing for the country. It's like you just sitting down and let the haitian citizen starving. It's like you sit down and getting pay while 97% of the country population are unemployement. It's like you sit down while... more »
Salut mon president c'est Jimmy
July 15, 2007 12:44 AM
Mr. le president de la republique d'Haiti je veux savoir pourquoi jeremie n'est jamais benefique parmis tous les autres grandes villes de la republique stp je veux que tu fasse la route en passant par Miragoane qui se benefique aussi pour le... more »
What is a deception ?
July 2, 2007 4:24 PM
It is quite clear to a minority of clairvoyant haitians that historically there were two great presidents in all of our history:Nissage Saget and Dumarsais Estime.For a long time after the dictature of Duvalier I was hoping to live long enough to... more »
For a better Haiti
June 25, 2007 8:18 PM
From what I see,so far you are doing a very good job going after corruptions and drug dealers.However I can not understand why the government and the legislative power do not understand that development is not possible without security. It is time... more »
How to clean our country!
June 18, 2007 1:34 PM
My name is jimmy.I am a student in florida college.My major is mechanic.My goal is to built some mechanic shop around haiti.To clean our country we all should stack together.The mayors needs to be creative.The people throw garbage anywhere and it... more »
how to built job in haiti?
June 18, 2007 1:13 PM
Hi Mr.Preval.I am glad for your well doing in the country so for. I think you trully the man for our country. You are the key for the haitian people.I would like to share my opinion not only to you but also your staffs and all the bouvior. To... more »
Bonjour Mr. Le President
January 24, 2007 7:36 PM
Hi Mr. President,I want you to check out this web site shakaitutu.com You doing a good job in Haiti. Keep up the good work more »
l'espoir pour haiti
October 20, 2006 2:09 PM
monsieur le président c'est un honneur pour moi de pouvoir t'écrire. j'aimerais bien voir cet espoir pour haiti nous avons tant souffert.en ce moment nous voulons voir l'éspoir pour notre haiti cheri. je veux travailler en concert... more »
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