Jean Esdrace Germain Charles - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti

Topic and comments posted by Jean Esdrace Germain Charles
(Page 1 of 3)

Mes cher amis, Je ne vais pas ecrire ces lignes pour flatter le...

Mes cher amis, Je ne vais pas ecrire ces lignes pour flatter le gouvernement actuel, mais je veux que nous fassions preuve de comprehension a leurs traveaux et realisations.En tant que representant d'Haiti en plusieurs occasions dans des nations... more »

I love this man.I think an approach like that could work to...

I love this man.I think an approach like that could work to this done. more »

I agree with you. It is extremely important to evaluate the...

I agree with you. It is extremely important to evaluate the ways that this can be accompished. I believe that this can be done through analyzing the society and work with both sectors to bridge the gap and save the country.A popular Government will... more »

I agree with these thoughts on how we should conceieve helps...

I agree with these thoughts on how we should conceieve helps and promises made by the international community to rise up from this chaotic situation. I said that that many times before as well as you did" We cannot count on international aids alone... more »

Mean of Production/Moyen de Production Solution

We, haitians, need to take initiatives to build farms and factories for the production and manufacturing to help meet the needs of the people. We need to create or the haitian goverment needs to take total of the means of production in the country... more »

Hi Gerard, Trust me, I know and I can feel the warm blood that...

Hi Gerard, Trust me, I know and I can feel the warm blood that is running through your veins for what we have now, and the pain that you are feeling for Haiti just a few miles away. I also sense your attachment and your passion to see a change in... more »

Yes Gerard, Here is where we need the qualities of Toussaint...

Yes Gerard, Here is where we need the qualities of Toussaint Louverture in our leaders today. As you are saying this, I think the United States also know that it is not right thing to do so. But the question that I would like find an answer for is... more »

Se vre wi. Kreyol la se lang manman-n ak papa-n, se pou nou...

Se vre wi. Kreyol la se lang manman-n ak papa-n, se pou nou itilize li tout tan nou kapab. Mwn renmen li pwezi sa ke Chenet sou zotobre Toussaint Louverture. Neg sa yo te fe vale yo nan tan pa yo an fonksyon de politik ki tap dewoule nan moman an... more »

I have noticed this problem among our fellows. That situation...

I have noticed this problem among our fellows. That situation leaves our generation with a lot more to do. We cannot give up on our nation It is very important that we have young minds that are willing to promote and maintain hope for that nation... more »

My... My.. My...Tu me rappeles d'un professeur de litterature...

My... My.. My...Tu me rappeles d'un professeur de litterature don't j'avais en classe de rethorique dans la communaute crucienne. Les choses sont vraiment graves en Haiti. Il faut qu'il y ait une mobilization qui se fasse au sein du gouvernement au... more »

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