Jay - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti

Topic and comments posted by Jay
(Page 2 of 4)

Again, I feel your anger, being a cave man is no way for a man...

Again, I feel your anger, being a cave man is no way for a man to live his life. Gonaives, I keep saying this over and over and over again, you are a deranged creature. Haitian like yourself, is the problem, you keep getting served in the anal, for... more »

You cannot worship God and Lucifer at the same time. Haitians...

You cannot worship God and Lucifer at the same time. Haitians called themselves chritians but whenever their children are sick, they are the first one to bring them to a voodo priest. God has nothing to do with it. When you worship the devil thats... more »

Gonaives, I blow your mind, don't I? My goal is to go after...

Gonaives, I blow your mind, don't I? My goal is to go after fanatic drunky like yourself who's willing to sell their vote for a bottle of Barbancourt Rhum. You are pathetic dude.haiti has been suffering for over 200 yrs, where have you been? I know... more »

Blame it on the rain, blame it on the mulattoes, blame it on...

Blame it on the rain, blame it on the mulattoes, blame it on the white people, blame it on me. Typical excuse for losers. Never take responsibility for their own failure. Haiti is where it is because a mass majority of the people are uneducated... more »

Mulattos aren't the problem in Haiti. Preval is dark as hell...

Mulattos aren't the problem in Haiti. Preval is dark as hell, Aristid lips were fat and swollen, and the ones before them were ugly negroes. Education is the key, it does not matter what color you are, someone who is a lighter complexion in Haiti... more »

Guys let me say this, I have nothing against wyclef. what i am...

Guys let me say this, I have nothing against wyclef. what i am against is when i see haitian musicians or pimps who think they can become president, with no education or diplomatic experience. We need to stop those scum bags from running for... more »

Gonaives, whatever your stupid name is, I dont think you are...

Gonaives, whatever your stupid name is, I dont think you are educated enough to understand what transparency means. Idiots like yourself are the same people who voted for Duvalier, and who still believe that he was the best president that haiti... more »

Wyclef can Fool Haitians not IRS

Audit the SOB. this is the problem with haitians, they never fu**ing learn. they still dont freaking get it, why? cause they are ignorant. Whyclef can fool haitians, but he cannot fool his american masters. every imbecile think they can become... more »

Jeanjean, this is the problem with haitians, they never fu ing...

Jeanjean, this is the problem with haitians, they never fu**ing learn. they still dont freaking get it, why? cause they are ignorant. Whyclef can fool haitians, but he cannot fool his american masters. every imbecile think they can become president... more »

Ghislaine la Saintanize, quel nom de merde.qui t'as donne ce...

Ghislaine la Saintanize, quel nom de merde.qui t'as donne ce non de negre. tu parles comme si t'etais fier d'haiti. y'a que les imbeciles qui pensent comme tu penses.200 ans de misere 200 ans de colonization, blablabla, c'est la faute de qui ca... more »

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