Haitian American - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti

Topic and comments posted by Haitian American

Does Haiti's Government Care About Haitian Life?

According to Anderson Cooper from CNN, The Haitian Government is in charge of the operation and their priority is food, supplies, and water, BUT NOT medical supplies. This is why Medical supply planes are being diverted to the Dominican Republic... more »

Where is the Haitian Government?

This just in... President Rene Preval is and his cabinet members are still running the country from a police station in Port au Prince that survived the earthquake. Details here: haitianinternet.com more »

Disaster Preval Aristide

Rene Preval is not qualified to be president. He does not have the knowledge,the capacity to run Haiti one can see. What happens to Haiti for the last three years,thing sare become worst than there already were.We need an independent educated... more »

Disater Preval Aristide

Rene Preval is not qualified to be president. He does not have the knowledge,the capacity to run Haiti one can see. What happens to Haiti for the last three years,thing sare become worst than there already were.We need an independent educated... more »

Rene Preval is not qualified to be president. He does not have

Rene Preval is not qualified to be president. He does not have the knowledge,th e capacity to run Haiti one can see. What happens to Haiti for the last three years,thing sare become worst that there already were.We need an independent educated... more »

Haitian American President of Haiti

I disagree with what you said that if you live outside of Haiti you cannot be president. Yon Haitien se yon Haitien, diaspora voye lajan, diaspora peye lekol, diaspora bay haiti tout sipo financiel men diaspora pa ka prezidan sa rele egoiste. Let... more »

Where did you get this info about Sarkosy wanting to build a

Where did you get this info about Sarkosy wanting to build a French base in La Gonave Haiti? This is the first I hear about it. you should at least provide a link to the source. Do you really think the United states will allow a european power to... more »

Thanks Linda. I needed a good laugh. Let's not let anyone make

Thanks Linda. I needed a good laugh. Let's not let anyone make up our minds for us. Nor tell us what is best for Haiti. Let's remember that with remittances to Haiti representing over US$ 2billion annually.We have vested interests in Haiti. Let's... more »

Linda, Thank you for your quick response. Actually, your

Linda, Thank you for your quick response. Actually, your summary of current and past U.S. activities simply reinforce the great need for a Haiti inclusive and independent Private Sector Initiative. We in the Diaspora must seek to work collectively... more »

Haiti Private Sector development with Ag. Focus

The Next Step.... Haiti Small and Medium Business Program: Introduction/Title Program: Haiti Small and Medium Business (SME) Program is to: (a) To capitalize US investment in Haiti for Private Sector Development and Economic Growth, (b) To remove... more »

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