Haiti News - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti

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Duvalier Stolen Cash Is Going Back To Haiti

Today the Swiss government announced that they will return a call all Duvalier's Stolen money back to Haiti. The New York Times Reports: Switzerland moved Wednesday toward establishing the legal basis to confiscate millions of dollars allegedly... more »

Haiti Goverment Dont Know Earthquake Death Count

This looks really bad, Rene Preval tole the press, 270,000 Haitian people died in the Haitian earthquake. Then Marie-Laurence Jocelyn Lassegue, haiti's communications minister, tells the press 230,000 Haitian people died in the Haitian earthquake... more »

Rene Preval Meeting with Mexico and Caricom

President of Haiti Rene Preval is expected to attend the Summit of Mexico and the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) to discuss the possibility to increase the assistance for Haitian reconstruction after the earthquake in Haiti Your opinion... more »

Haiti Dominican Ties Improve After Earthquake

Since the Haiti earthquake the relationship between Haiti and the Dominican Republic has improved greatly. Read the full article from the New York Times: Dominican Ties With Haiti Improve Neighbors' Relations Warm in Quake's Aftermath; in Tragedy... more »

Temporary Haitian Government Headquarters

Stephen Harper, the prime minister of Canada, pledged a $12 million to help build a temporary government Center in Haiti. Stephen Harper was in Haiti the last couple of days and he met with Haitian president Rene Preval and prime minister Jean Max... more »

President Nicolas Sarkozy Is In Haiti

President Sarkozy is in Haiti, he just arrived! French President Nicolas Sarkozy has just landed in Haiti. This is the first time that a French president has ever visited the old colony. Details: haitianinternet.com What do you think about... more »

Haiti news: Haitian President To Be Honored In Mia

Haitian President Rene Preval and the secretary general of the Organization of American States, Jose Miguel Insulza, are scheduled to speak at a luncheon on a cruise ship at the Port of Miami on Saturday. ayitinou.com more »

Paris Club lenders cancel Haiti debt

Suddenly everybody seems to be forgiving Haiti's Debt The Paris Club of creditor nations canceled $62.73 million of debt owed by Haiti. The Paris Club said in a statement that members had reached bilateral agreements with Haiti to cancel an... more »

Lescouflair la dérive des petits chefs...

Pas de visas pour les athlètes haïtiens sans l'aval du ministère des sports. C'est ainsi que Lescouflair, Ministre des sports d'Haiti décide de régler ses comptes avec Dadou Jean-Bart, Président de la... more »

Father Gerard Jean-Juste Is Dead

Father Gerard Jean-Juste died in Miami Yesterday, May 27, 2009, after suffering from a stroke. haitianinternet.com Read More and Post Comments here: haitianinternet.com See more photos of Father Gerard Jean-Juste here notthehaitians.com more »

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