Haiti In The News - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti

Topic and comments posted by Haiti In The News

Bill Clinton and Wyclef Visit Haiti

former U.S. President Bill Clinton will be in Haiti today and tomorrow along with U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in an effort to focus attention on problems in Haiti. Wyclef Jean will be traveling along with President Bill Clinton to Haiti... more »

Black History Month Haiti Receives Recognition

It's Black History Month, Haiti Is In The News, Good News! It's not every day you wake and watch TV in America and see images of pride when you're Haitian but I saw a video last night and I had to share it with you. Watch the video now... more »

Despite skepticism there is hope for Haiti

Surprise! Contrary to general belief, there is hope for Haiti. Why? Haiti is not part of a troubled region. Unlike many African and Central Asian countries with severe internal problems, Haiti lives in a peaceful neighborhood and is not under... more »

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