Gros Morne Gonaives Usa - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti
Topic and comments posted by Gros Morne Gonaives Usa
Desde cuanto tiempo ya esta viviendo en republica Dominicana
September 29, 2007 10:56 PM
Desde cuanto tiempo ya esta viviendo en republica Dominicana? Que esta estudiando? Algo parece un poco extrano. Si ha dejado Haiti porque estaba en situacion difficil, que esta haciendo para pagar sus estudios? Pues, yo comparti contigo la pena de... more »
Hi Ti Malice, Je n'ai pas abandonne le blog. J'ai remarque que
September 29, 2007 8:48 PM
Hi Ti Malice, Je n'ai pas abandonne le blog. J'ai remarque que Linda a fait son adieu, au moment que je ne m'y attendais meme pas. Je pense que l'on a amplement profite de l'emploi de ce blog pou debattre des issues tres intressantes et tres... more »
Mete pou yo ti malice.
September 22, 2007 11:38 PM
Meme si bouki ta lague tou seul, degage-ou kon met janjak. Min ba yo ti malice! Tout't se verite. more »
Etesvous son partisan?
September 22, 2007 10:43 PM
Il est temps que les gens qui ne sont pas de vrais partisans d'Aristide cessent d'exiger son retour, dans le seul but de generer des confusions purement politiques et d'inciter ses supporteurs a la revolte. Ces gens malhonnetes ont donc un agenda... more »
Hi Linda
September 22, 2007 10:34 PM
I am a true believer in the rule of law. I have never been a supporter of repressive governments. For me a "weak government" is characterized by a laisser-faire attitude where the justice system is quasi non-existent, the legislative body is not... more »
Linda Ln
September 22, 2007 4:10 PM
Linda & Ln, I believe that it's time that you ladies settle on that identity issue and are ready to move forward. That identity issue seems to be too irrelevant to be dragged this far. You are two important haitians that really deserve to focus on... more »
Linda what about weak governments?
September 22, 2007 4:06 PM
Hi LInda, I can not deny that excessive unemployment has not contributed to the crime proliferation in Haiti. However, don't we have also witnessed that irresponsible and weak governments coupled with a decrease in standard values have nutured this... more »
Dear Linda LN
September 22, 2007 2:17 PM
Linda & Ln, I believe that it's time that you ladies settle on that identity issue and are ready to move forward. That identity issue seems to be too irrelevant to dragged this far. You are two important haitians that really deserve to focus on... more »
Good job GRard
September 22, 2007 1:44 PM
In a nutshell, you have really given a great highlight on most of our problems and some of the possible solutions. You have done an excellent job. We can only hope that the politicians in charge are paying attention and are ready to attack those... more »
Comment maitriser l'insecurite?
September 20, 2007 10:23 PM
Je crois que le pays beneficiera enormemennt, si le gouvernement arrive a maitriser l'insecurite. En depit de l'accroissement de la presence policiere, on doit commencer aussi a payer des informants ou des detectifs civils, dans n'importe quels... more »
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