Francois E - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti

Topic and comments posted by Francois E
(Page 1 of 3)

Francoise and The Arab Elites of Port-Au-Pce

Self-Enriching Elites Through The Haitian Public Institutions Kill Democracy In Haiti We cannot have democracy in a country where the elites place their daughters and sons to work as technocrats in all Haiti's public institutions to enrich their... more »

You are right, and if it is any consolation to you, I, as a...

You are right, and if it is any consolation to you, I, as a light skinned-long hair girl then, always taught the treatment was unfair and damaging to both parties. Ste. Rose de Lima, Sacre Coeur, Ste. Therese de l'Enfant Jesus (Mme Durocher... more »

T O MY friends in the white house in PAP haiti

Dear friends I am replied to you as a good friend who try the best he can to help the haitian children in haiti,so I see what you say it is true when a country is depending on the other country to give him a bag of rice and some second hands... more »

So bonjour Mr le president Rene gacia preval chef en son...

So bonjour Mr le president Rene gacia preval chef en son bureau.Mr le president nous sommes les reprentant du cmmite (ODL)A LEOGANE NOUS AVONS CONSTATE dans cette commune il y a beaocoups de desordres dans la citee dont nous avons juge c'est faut... more »

message of the river of ROUYONNE IN LEOGANE

about the river larouyonne who keep giving us in leogane problems, problems every time a little rain fall in the top of the mountain so even work after work nothing done the river still continue give us trouble in that commune why? CNE come nada we... more »

info about the condition of the school in haiti

good morning Mr le president RENE G. PREVAL POURQUOI avez vous laisse gaspiller tous sea argents de la population dans des activites unitiles telque l'etude secondaire dans ce pays pourquoi vous n'avez pas transforme l;etudes secondaires en... more »

info about the salary minimum

good morning Mr the president RENE GACIA PREVAL SO i take the time to ask you something about he minimum salary for the workers in haiti where everywhere in the world people dont work for nothing if you look at the chat of FLORIDA agenda on minimum... more »

a propos de blog

Je demande un réel dialogue, comme cela se passe dans un vrai blog more »

fonctionnement du blog

ce qui rend un blog intéresssant, ce sont les interactions Puis-je m'attendre à de réelles discussions avec le président? more »

how long will we continue to put up with this

I have recently read that article in a newspaper, and I was so amazed that people from outside our country are defending us, while the people we pay to represent and defend us have been completely silent about those issues. No Haitian media will... more »

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