Elsie - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti
Topic and comments posted by Elsie
Oui martelly nou konnin ouap fet job la byin paske pitit tig se...
April 22, 2011 11:48 AM
oui martelly nou konnin ouap fet job la byin paske pitit tig se tig. fok nou konnin ke se pitit yon ansien mili te ke ou ye.ou fek paret tou cho tou bouke sou sit la epi ou ap di ke met sit la supose anba kod. sa di-m ke ou pral mete tout moun anba... more »
I wish that you understand what vaccination mean.After someone...
April 6, 2011 4:21 PM
I wish that you understand what vaccination mean.After someone get vacccinated their is something call antobody that your body create against the disease that you are vaccinated for, therefore you will not be worry about getting the disease in a... more »
It would be better if you let someone else comment on your life...
April 6, 2011 1:47 AM
It would be better if you let someone else comment on your life instead you applaud on yourself. more »
Martelly I thank that you stop this shit because Haiti need to...
April 3, 2011 6:38 PM
Martelly I thank that you stop this shit because Haiti need to move on. I know that you live in us before and think us will apreciat a more diplomatic relation wit MRs Manigat than you; Therefore you ne ed to stop the violance that you and your... more »
Olease stop the cholera in haiti
November 14, 2010 7:24 PM
Mesamin U.N haiti trop piti pou trick sa yo. S'il vous plait sispan-n cholera a paske moin giyin cousinne moin ki mouri deje. moun yo pa fet anyin pou se yo kab suby nan trick sa a. U.N si nu bezion lajan mandel mim pa tue haitian anko.Souple... more »
August 17, 2009 5:46 PM
One of the most remarkable lizards in the world was discovered three decades ago on and around waterfalls in northern Haiti. With it's remarkably long, spider-like limbs and tendency to scramble over slick rocks and underwater tinyurl.com more »
Don't vote for the democrat that;s all. Aristide is playing...
April 29, 2008 1:19 AM
don't vote for the democrat that;s all. Aristide is playing tricks. He knows that the us election will bring a democrat in the white house therefore he is preparing for his return. He will sink this time. more »
To whom ever write this message.as haitian this is where you...
April 26, 2008 3:54 AM
to whom ever write this message.as haitian this is where you have to unite. if there is no unity we will always stay the same. your iq doens't matter in this context. whether you die of aids (disease of the poor) or cancer (disease of the rich ... more »
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