Dlp - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti
Topic and comments posted by Dlp
Pichon or Plichon (kreyol) Plz show me how your dirty mind was...
April 8, 2010 9:37 AM
Pichon or Plichon (kreyol) Plz show me how your dirty mind was able to detect "flirt"in that picture. When I am thinking COURTEOUS, CLASSY, WELL EDUCATED. Could it be that your english is low in words. Or are you the kind of men that whenever a... more »
Guess Who? Finallly an haitian with an uncommon idea. I don't...
April 6, 2010 9:31 AM
Guess Who? Finallly an haitian with an uncommon idea. I don't know much about her backgroud, but if most of the things you said are true I AM WILLING TO TAKE THE OPPORTUNITY. Let's start petitionning Good Guess P.S. Haitians are ready for a woman... more »
At Tiba, Salut, Je suis totalement de votre avis, car ce sont...
March 19, 2010 9:45 AM
at Tiba, Salut, Je suis totalement de votre avis, car ce sont les memes acteurs, qui ont contribues a mettre Haiti dans cette situation hyper-deplorable qui aujourd'hui appelle la population a se mettre debout pour denoncer l'incompetence de... more »
March 15, 2010 12:05 PM
Banque Mondiale, le document souligne que "le grave problème de la corruption" qui touche l'Exécutif et le Parlement continue à sévir. Apres les accusations qui ont commences depuis Washington, Mr Preval arrivant a... more »
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