Dlp - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti

Topic and comments posted by Dlp

Pichon or Plichon (kreyol) Plz show me how your dirty mind was...

Pichon or Plichon (kreyol) Plz show me how your dirty mind was able to detect "flirt"in that picture. When I am thinking COURTEOUS, CLASSY, WELL EDUCATED. Could it be that your english is low in words. Or are you the kind of men that whenever a... more »

Guess Who? Finallly an haitian with an uncommon idea. I don't...

Guess Who? Finallly an haitian with an uncommon idea. I don't know much about her backgroud, but if most of the things you said are true I AM WILLING TO TAKE THE OPPORTUNITY. Let's start petitionning Good Guess P.S. Haitians are ready for a woman... more »

At Tiba, Salut, Je suis totalement de votre avis, car ce sont...

at Tiba, Salut, Je suis totalement de votre avis, car ce sont les memes acteurs, qui ont contribues a mettre Haiti dans cette situation hyper-deplorable qui aujourd'hui appelle la population a se mettre debout pour denoncer l'incompetence de... more »


Banque Mondiale, le document souligne que "le grave problème de la corruption" qui touche l'Exécutif et le Parlement continue à sévir. Apres les accusations qui ont commences depuis Washington, Mr Preval arrivant a... more »

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